.. u3o Bo!i>kV. Chap. r .Se~: 5 ------------------------------------- S E CT. 5· 0 f heleeving in 'j:efm in that refPe£!; · 5. LEt us beleeve In 'fefm a!! carrying on the great work of; our falvation in his fecond -c;oming. Now this beleeving in Chrifi is i:nore than hoping in Chrift; faith eyes· things as prefent, but hope eyes things as future; and hence the Apofile defcribes faith to bethe f~tbjfaiJce of things hoped for; · it is the fubftance, foundation, or prop which upholds the building; , or it is the fubftance, effence, exiil:ence ofa thing hoped for, and confeq).lently abfent and a far off, to be by a firme a pprchenfion .of the beleever as already prefent and real. And this is as ne- ~~:effary as the former; oh ifwe could but fee things now, as they {hall appeare at that !ail: general day of judgement, how mightily would they ~or_k upon our fouls? I verily th!n~·the want of. this work of fa1th 1s the caufe almoft ofall the evil m the world ; and the acting of faith on this fubjeet'would produce-fruits even . to admiration. Ifwe could but fee that glory of God in Chrifi, and thofe glorious treafures ofmercyes that tha}J then be com• municated; ifwe could but fee thofe dreadful evils that are now threatned, and fhall then be fulfilled, would not this draw tbe · hardeil: heart under heaven? come, let us ad- faith this·day, as if t his day wer.e rhe !aft day; a thoufand yeares are but as one day to faith ; i r takes hold upon eternal life, whenfoever it acts ; ic. cakes prefent poffeffion of the glorious things of the Kingdome efGod even now. 0 then let us bcleeve iilJefus as in refer~nce to his fecond coming to judgement. · . But how iliould we beleeve ? what directions to act our faith : t>n }efus in thisrefpeet? .l anfwer.- · 1 . Faith mufr direCt ly go to Chrift. 2 . Faith mu£1: go to Chri fr asGod in the fleflt. 3. Faith muft go to Clmfi as God in the fUh made under thelaw. 4. Faith mull go to Chrift made under the directive part of the la\\ by his hfe,. an<! under the penal part of the law by his ilc:ath. . 5· Faith·