Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap~ I .Sect. 5 Looking unto Jejtu. Book V. 113t ----·--- ---- ). Faith muft go taCh. ·: · s put to death in the flefh, and as quickned by the \ pirit. . · · 6. Faith muft go to Chrtll a~ goi11g up into glory, as Gtting down at Gods right t1and, and as fending down the holy Ghoft. . 7. Faith muft go to Cbrift as interceding for his Saints, in which work he continues till b1s coming againe. Ot all theJi: "before. · 8. Faith muft go to Chrift as coming againe into this neather world to judge the quick and the dead ; This is the !aft act offaith in reference to Chnft, from thence he foal! come to judge the quick and the dead. The coming ofChrift, the refnrrection of the dead, the change of the living, the !aft judg ment, ancl the glory ofChrift with his Saintsto all er~rnity, is that tranf. aCtion which muft be difpatched at the end of the world ; now this is the object of faith as wei! as the former ; Chrifis work is not fully perfected t"ill all thefe be f.inlfhed, nor is our work ef faith fully compleated till it reach to the very laft act of Chrift in faving fouls.-Oh what an excellent worker is Jefus Chrifi: ? he doth all his works throughly and perfectly ; the greateft work that ever Chrift undertook wa~ the work ofRedemption, that work would have broken men and Angels, and yet Jefus Chrift will carry it on to the end, and then will he fay not only prophetically, but expreffely, 1 have {inifoed the work_which thou J , • gaveft me to do. Now faith fhould eye Chrifi: as far as he goes, on.17 ' 4 ' ifChriil: will not have done till he come againe, and receive us to himfelfe, and fettle us in glory ; no more fhould faith; it fuould frill follow after him, and rake a view of all his tranfad:i. ons from firft to !aft ; what will Chrift come againe ? will he fummon all the Eled: to come under judgement? w1ll he fen, tence or judge them to eternal life ? will he conduct them into glory, prefent them to his Father, and betheira//in a/ltoall eternity ? why then let our faith ad it felfe upon all thefe pre. mifes ;' or if I may infranee in one foc all; Chrifi:s coming is the moll: comprehc:nfive of all, and is not the coming ofChrift very frequently mentioned in the promifes, as the great fupport and ftay of his peoples f pirits till then? do not the Apofi:les ufually quicken us to duty, and encourage us to waiting by the mentioning of this glorious coming of Jefus Chrift? why then E e e e ee e 2 let .