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1132 Book.V. Looking unto JeftU, Chap. 2 .Sect.s Heb. 10. 3 7. .: Thcf. t.S, JodI. I) let us ad our faith on this glorious objecr; Chri(tians, what do we b ~lecve, and ho pe, and waite for, but to fee this coming? This was Pau/J encouragement to rejoycing and to moderation, rejoyce in the Lord a/w.,.ye s -·- and let your modaation be k._nown to all, the Lord is at hand; To think and fpeak of that day with horrour, doth well pefeem the impenitent fi.nner, but doth"ill befeem the.beleeving Saint ; fuch may b~ the voyce of an unbeleever, and it may be of a beIeever in defertion or temptation, but it's not the voyce of faith. 0 beJeeve on Chrift, as carryi ng on our falvation at his COI)1ing againe, for yet a little while, and he that jhl'l!l come, will come, and he will not tarry. 9· Faith mu£1: principally and mainly look to the purpofe, defi.gne, intent, and end ofLhrilt in hi> fecond coming to judgement. Now t-he ends are.-- r. In refpecr of the wicked, that they may be de!lroyed, for he muff reigne till he hath put all his enemies under his feet. He fhall come with flaming fire, and then he will takf vengtance on them that '<_now not God, and that obey not the Gofjel of our Lord {e{m Chrifl; who Jfhal! be punijhed with everlafting dejfruflion frcm the prefence ~f the Lord, itnd from the glory of hu power. 0 miferable men ! now it is Gods de!ign to be revenged on you. This is the day when the wicked fhall fuddenly fiart out offleep, and meet with gafily amazednefs at the mouth oftheir Sepulchers; above them fiands the Judge condemning, beneath hell gaping, on the right hand juil:ice threatning, on all fides the world burning; to go forward is intollerable, to go backward is impoffible, to turne a fide is unavailable; which way then ? heaven gates are £hut, hell mouth isopen, where they mu£1: end their endleffe mifery; the !aft torment lafteth ever. Oh the fbrikes of the wicked at every paffage ofthis day! when the Prophet 'Joel was defcribing the formidable accidents of this day, he was not able to expretfe it, buc il:ammered like a child, or an amazed imperfeCt perfon, A. A. A. for the dav of the Lord is at hand We tranflate it, AIM, farthedayo(theLordis at hand. But Lyra, Ribera, the vulgar latine, and others tranllace it, A, A. A. in Hebrew it is indeed but one word, and founds as Aha, which h!)wfoever fo written, yeti§ it pronounced without any afpiration, as Ahara», i! pronounced A;~ron. The be£1: critic)s would but have it one word,