Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

----------------- ..----- Chap. 2.Secc.5. L ooking unto 1e(ru. Book.V. I 133 word, and fo they write it, A·a-a. {orthe da] oft he Lordi>· at hand: thus they that frammer, and cannot fuddenly fpeak, fay A-.a-a. it is not fenfe at firfr ; the Prophet was fo amazed, that he knew not what to fay; the ftammering tongue that is full of feare, can befr fpeak that terrour, which will make ai Lthe wicked of the world to cry, and fbrike, and fpeak fearful accents; oh the fbrikes ! oh the fearful founds that will then bd1eard ! fure that noyfe muft needs be terrible, wheo millions of men and women at the fame infiant fball fearfully cry out, and when their cryes fball mingle with the thunders of the dying and groaning heayem, and with the crack of the dilfolving world, when-the whole fa brick of nature fball fbake into diffolution, and eternal afhes. N~w confider thu ye that forget €lod, left he pf,I.; r.u; wm you in pieces , and there be none to deliver you. ~hall not the confideration of thcfe things awake your fpirits, and ra,:[e you from the death offin ? what ? do you beteeve tbefe things? or do you not ? if you do not beleeve thefe things, where is your faith ? if you do beleeve them, and fin on, where is your prudence . ·and where is your hope ? but enough of this; it belongs to the wicked. · z, Tn refpe&of the godly that they may be Caved. Now this containes feveral fl:eps. As~ . · 1 . They muft be regenerated. It is true they partake of this grace before, but now is the full perfection and manifefiation 8 of it, and therefore the lafi day is called the day of rrgeMlt·'9· 1 · • neration. . . 2. They mu£1: be redeemed. So they are in this life. Paul . could tell his Colo(/i11ns, that C hrift httd delivered them from the Co! .I.q ' 1 4: .power of dark,_ne./Je; and that in him they had redemption through hublood. Yetthe Scripture calls the day of judgement ina peculiar and eminent manner the day of redemption. And grieve not theholy Spirit of Godwhereby ye arefoaled unto the day tfEPh+3°· redemption. 3· They muft be adopted. It is true, they are adopted in this life, we are now the fons of God (faith the A pofl:le) yet it doth 1 Joh.3. 1, not 11ppeare whttt we [hall be ; the glory which Chrifl: will put upon us a·t the la11 day is fo far tr:tnfcendent and fuperlative to what now we are; that we know not what we fuall be; fom, and more than fons; and therefore the Apoftle calls the lafi day t he day of 4doption. 4•. They •