11134 Book v. Chap.x.SeCl:.) ' + They muff be' jul.l:ified. 1 know they were ju{l:ified by faith ·before, and this,juftification was_evidenced to fome of their con~ fcienccs ; but now fhall they be juftified fully by the lively voyce of the Judge.bimk:lfe; now-fhall their juftification be folemnly and publik<:ly declared to all the world; The Syriack word to juftijie ,is alfo to conquer, becaufe when a man is juftified, he over. comes all thofe bills and, endiCl:ments which were brought in .againft him ; now this is manifeilly done in the day of judge~ ·ment when Chrifi fhall before men and Angels acquit, and abfolve his people, oh what aglorious conqueft will that be over finne, death, and hell, when the Judge of the whole world ·fhall pronounce them free from all Linne, and from all thofe miferable effects of Linne, . death, hdl , and dam- ' nation. 5. They muft inherit the Kingdome prepared for them, fo is - the fentence at that day, come ye blej]ed, inherit the Kingdome. Mar.; s. 34. Not only are they freed from hell, but they mull: inherit heaven, Now herein is an high ftep · of falvation, and a great part of the defigne of C brifts coming, co bring his Saints into heaven; he went thither before to prepare it for them, and now lJecomes again to give them the poifeffion of it, come enter into heaven. Heaven! what is 'heaven? furely it is not one Lingle Palace; but a City, a Metropolis, aMother-city, the firfr City of Gods _ Xev.u .1o, 11, creation: when the Angel carryed 'fohn in the JPirit to a great . .and high mounraine, he fhewed him thegreat City, the ho!J [ern. fa/em, defcet:ding gut of heaveu fr6m qod, . hauing the~ lory ofqod. But a City is too little, therefore.irs more, its a Kingdome, feare · ·Luk. p,. 3:. not little fleck_, it is JOllY Fathers good pleafure to give you the 1 Kingdome; and ~t thi.s !aft day he bids his S~i~tsto inherit the King dome. Or tfa Ktngdorr.e be too little, tt ts called a world. The children of thu world m;~rry, and aregiven in marriage, but L k they which foal/ be accvunted worthv to obtaine that world, al'l'd the U lO. 34, .I 35, 3 6. refurreClion from the drad, neither marry 11!;.Y are given in marriage, neitheir c11n thry dye anJ m~re. , There,s another world b·efides Hcb,6 5· this, and for eminency it is called the world to cornr. 0 the bredth, and largeneffe of that world ! as the greater circle mull: wntaine the leife, fo doth that world conraine this ; alas, all our dwellings here are but as caves under the earth; and holes of poore day in :comparifon. In the bofomeof that heaven is many \ ..