Chap. I.SeCl:. 5. Looking unto :Jiru. Book v. II35 many a· dweiling place; in mJ Fathu.r hBuje are m;~ny manjionJ; Joh z there lodges many thoufands of glorious Kings; 0 what faire .tf. ' fields, and mountaines of rofes and fpices, are there? furely gardens of length and bredth above millions ofmyles are nothing in comparifon. 0 the wines, the Jill yes, the rofes, the . precious trees that grow in Immanuel.r land! an hundred barveils in one yeare are nothing there. The lowell !tones in e.very manGon there,are precious llones; the very building of the wa.f!' . t~biHt it is r afPer' and the (it) i.r pttr~ gold, lik! unto cleare g!trfje. Rcv.u.I s. 0 glorious inheritance! Tell me Chrifiians, in wba~ City on earth do men walk upon gold ? or dwell within the walls of gold? though none fuch here, yet qnder the feet of the inhabitantsof heaven there is .gold; all the {freet.r, andfields ofthat R · ·r d W ld !d · .rh [ .r. ev.tx ~1• Cu;,Iung ome, or , arepurego , ant wo·etran 1rarewt,'{ a1.r. But alas , what fpeak I of gold, or gla!Te? all thefe are but fhadows; indeed and in truth there is nothing fo low as gold; or precious frones; there i·s nothing fo bafe in this high and glorious Kingdome, as gardens, trees, or rofes; comparifons are but created fhadows, that come not up to expreffe the glory of the thing. I fhall therefore leave to fpeak this, becaufe unfpeakable. 6. They mull live with Chrift in heaven; they mufr fee, and <enjoy Chrift there to all eternity. This is a maine end of Chrifts coming, I will come t~tg.tille, 11nd receive rou unto my felfe, that J h where I am, there ye may be a!fo. ~And Father, Jwill th~t thofe J 0h• 14~; whom thou haft given me,be with me where I am, that they may be0 ' 17 ' · ' hold the glory which thou h11ff given me. 0 let faith eye 'this above all the former! what? will my Saviour come againe? and Chall I fee hiS' face? Oh what a pleafant Gght will this fame be? if heaven, if the inheritance be fuch a wonder to the beholders, what a beauty is that which is in the fampl 1r ? Oh what an happineffe to frand beGdes that dainty precious Prince in heaven? to fee the King on his throne? co fee the Lambe, the fai re tree of life, the flowre of Angels, the fpotleffe rofe, the crown, the garland, the joy of heaven, the wonder of wonders for eternity? Oh,whH a life to fee that precious tree of life l to fee a multitude without quantity of the apples or glory ! to \. fee love it felfe, and to be warmed w1ch the heace of immediate love that C(fmc:s out from the preciollll heart and bowels of J efus Ch!ift l