Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

-------------------- 1136 Boo1t.V. Looking unto 1eft14. Chap.1.SeC't. 5 Chrift! Oh what a dearneffe to fee all relations meet in one! to fee the Saviour, the good Shepheard, the Redeemer, the great Bifbop of our fouls, the Angel of the <;ovenant, the head ofthe body of the Church, the King ofages, the Prince of peace, the Creatour of the ends ofthe earth, the for.g of Angels, and glorified Saints. Nor only muft they fee Chri·ft, but they fhall enjoy him whom they fee; they fly with doves-wings of beauty after the Lambe, and in flying after him they lay hold upon him, · and they will not leave him; they can never have enough of the ' chaft fruition of the glorious Prince Immanuel, and they never want his in-moi\ prefence to the.full; they fuck the honey and the honey-combe; they drink of the floods of eternal confolations, and fill all empty; and,as if the fouls of Saints were without bot tome, a frefb they iuck againe to all eternity. Now this is falvation indeed ; the foul that attaines this full enjoyment, is faved to the uttermoft. 3. In refpect of Chrift himfelfe that he may be glorified. Now In two things more efpecially will he be glorified at that day. I. In his juftice. z. In his mercy, or free grace. . I. His juftice will be glorified, efpecially in puniiliing the wicked; here on earth little juftice is done on moll offenders; though fome publike crymes are fometimes punifbed, yet the actions ofclofets and chambers; the defignes, and thoughts of men; the bufineffes of retyrements, and ofthe night, efcape the · hand of juftice; and therefore God hath fo ordained it, that therdhall be a day of doome, wherein all that are let alone by men, {ball be qu~ftioned by God; fo,dl not the 'fudge of 11/l the world do right? then all thonghts thall be cxamitled, and fccret G:n . 18 ' ~; . actions viewed on each fide, and the infinite number ofthofefins which efcaped here, !hall be blazoned there; all {ball have juf\:ice, and the juftice of the Judge thai! be fo exact that he will accountwith men by minutes,and that juil:ice may reign entyrely, God iliall open his treafure, I meane the wicked mans.treafure, and tell the fummes, and weigh the graines and fcruplcs, u not t hu laid up in ftore with me, andfealed up among m7 treafures? I D~ur . 31· 34~ will reft ore it in the day of vengance faith the Lora. Oh how will God glorifie his juftice at that day? furely his juftice {hall fhine, and be eminently glorious in every palfage. z. His