Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

. Lpo/dng unto 1efw. Booi v. t 137 2. His mercy, o.r free gr~ce will be glorified in w~arding the Saints. And th1~ Is the marne, the ft1preame end of hili coming to judgement, hefo!l!l come (faith the Apofile) to be,glo>ijied ~The[ in hu Snin.ts; not but that the Angels {hall glorifie the riches , of his grace, as well as Saints ; but bc:caufe the Angels never finned (they have now kfpt their rabu of innocenc;, their cMhof gold !lbove five thouf,mdyears, -n·ithout one JPnrk_ of dirt, 9r change ofcolour:) therefore the glory of his grace is more efpecialiy faftened on Saints, that fometimes were finners . Oh what fioryes will be told at this day ofgraces acts? 1 was a bi11JPhemer, 1111J a perfecutor, andan injuriom perfon (faid 'P:rul)but I obtai~id 1 Tim. '· 1 J• mercy. a:~: nMt)9nY, but I w~ be merc;ed, as tfhe had -been dtpt inariver,inafeaofmercy; It maybehe Willmake the fame acknowledgement at the day of judgement, I w.u "jinne'r, but the.grace of the ..(-ora [efm to me w.u abundant,'juperAbundant; I obteyned tU much grace M would haveJaved a world. Certainly free grace fhall then be difcovered to fome purpofc ; then it {hall be known, that where fin abounded, grace far more; it over- R . b d d h b d ·d . , , 1 . d om.r. 20. a oun e or more t an over-a oun ( . v,.'f'"'lf<mv<l'~v, tIS a wor . borrowed from fountaines, and rivers, which have over-flowed with waters ever Iince the creation ; then alt the ·saints ilia II eult, and magnifie, and with ~oud voyces praife the glory of his grace; they {hall look on thetr debts written in graces book, and then lhall they ling and fay, 0 the mJfter; ofgrace-! 0 the guid-mynes, and depths { Chrifts free love! why this was the great de!igne ofour falvat10n: at the f.irft, when God was willing to 1:ommunicate himfelfe out of his aloneoeife e~erlafting, he laid this plot, that all he lhould be to the praije of the glory of hu grace .; and now at h1s fecond coming, having done Eph. r,6, all he will do, the Saints for whom he hath done all, admire, efteem, honour and found forth the praifes of his grace. Js not this their everlatling fong . which they begin at this d-ay? glory to the Lambe, and glory to hu grace, th11t jitteth on the throne for evermore? not but that they glorifie him in his wifd·.)me, power, holineife, and his other attnbutes, ay but efpecially in this. it is his grace in which he moll delighteth; even ss verteous kings affect, above all their other vertues, to be had in honour for their clemency, and boumy; fo Jefus Chritl the King of Kings affects above all, the glory of his grace. And to this purpofe ' F ffffff ' htaven