Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

1 q 8 Book.V. Looking ~mto 1efr~r. Chap. 2 .Sed. f h<:aven it felf is an houfe full of broken men · , who .hwe borrowed millions from ChriH, but can never repay mor<: th.m to r...:,td, - and fin3 the pr,1ifes of freegrace; glory to theLamb., . and glory-to the rides of his grace for ecue.rmore. Thus for direttions;one word of application,or afew motives w work faith in you in this refpe&. I. Chrift in his Word invites you to bekeve ; thefe are his . letters fro:n heaven, come all to the marriage-fupper of the Lamb; H oever; one that thirfts come in; heaven-gate is open to -all that - _knock, but fooles, foolitbVirg,ins, foolifh foules, which have _ no faith; nor will have any, to render them fit for heaven. This meets with fome that fcruple, what?' will Chrift come again to recieve me to himfelf? Jha!l I enter with him into glorJ ? alas no unclean thing fhi!ll enter Into that ho{r City, and Jha!l fuch a ftnner M I am be admitted ? Oh beleeve, beleeve -thy part in thi-s co:ning ofChrifl:, to receive thee to himfelf; and no finne, that thou fee left a ourrhen, Jball keep thee out ofheaven. There is .Rahab the Harlot, and 0Ji[anaj[eh the murtherer, and 0Ji[ary that had fo many Divels; a man that hath many Divels may Luke 14· ~ ~ · come where there is not one; lame., and 6/ind, and halt may enter into heaven, andyet ftill there is room, there is great variety of gueHs above, and yet one Table large enou_5h for all; no · - crouding, and yet thoufands, and thoufands ofthoufands fitting together; Ah poor foul why doH thou make exceptions, where God makes none?why lbouldH thou exclude thy felf out of rhefe golden oares,whea God doth not? beleeve, onely beleeve in the Lord ref m ,and the promife is fure,and without ali conrraverfie, thoH Jhalt beJaved. 2. Chrill: by his Mi.niLl:ry intreat.s you to beleeve.; come, fay they, we befeech you bdeeve 111 your ]L1dge; 1t may be you fl:arde at this, what ? to beleeve in hi!!l "':ho is a ·comin3 to be your ]\.tdge? but ifyour Judse b>! Jefus, if the fame petfon who dyed for you, i11all to jud_se yo:.~, why lbould you fear? - li1deedifyourJudge.wereyourenemy, youmishr fear; but if h<: who is your Lord, andwho loves your foules {hall judge you, there is no fuch caufe; will a man fear to be judged by his deareft friends ? a brother by abrother ? a cbilde by a father? or a wife by her husband ? confider ! is not he your]udge who came down. · from .