1140 Book.V. Looking unto :jefuJ. • I John 16.B, Cant.z.,Io. you not make your peace wirh your J ud;;e whiles you are in the ~v.ty, and b~fon: h;: fit in the Thron~? b~hold we:. give you warn111;5, d e 'f tdge iJ at tl c door; nrJ I-f! be!eeve and be Javed. Oh h.ow ~ fain wouldwe tempt you (as it wc:.re ) with glory ? we. tender •Chritl: , andwe offer peace, w:::. co·.ne in the Judges name to oefeech you to make ready for him, and for heaven; we brirp fal varion tO your very doors, to your very eares, and there vv~ are foundiJP,knockino, wi!lye got? heavm, jinner.s? wi!l.ye go to heaven ? Oh belie·ve i~ him th?.t iPi/l judgeyou, and he :wJ/[[ P-ve y ou. . 3. Ch riit by his Spirit moves, excites, and provokes you to b;:leeve. So netimes in re,1ding, and fom.erimes in heariiP and fometi ~nes in meditatingyou may feel him Hirre; have y~~ felt no gale of the Spirit all this while ? 1t h· the Spirit that c~nv inceth the world of f nne, efpecially ofth.lt great Iinne of unbelief; and then of' n:~hwufne./[e, which Chrifl: procureth by Jo~ ing to his Father ; obferve here, it is the work of rhe Spirit rhus to convince, fo that all moraL Philofophy, and the wifeH di- • _ reet:ions oft,he mofl: Civil men will leave you in a wildernefie; yea ten rhoufands of Sermons may be preachett to. you to beIeeve, ai1<l yet you never fhall,till you are over-powred by Gods. Spirit: it is the Spirit thlt enlizhtem, and directs you, as occafion is, fay ing, t hi.r i.r the way,wal/z. in it. It is the Spirit that toufeth, and awakeneth you by effeaual motions, arife my love, my f aire one. , and com~ (lway. Hefl-ands at the do·or and k!tockJ i he Ll:rerches out his hand with heaven in it, and he doth, fo all the day long, all the day long hav~ 1./fretched out my hand; and th,u;you may finde his yoke eafie, and his burrhen Ii.sht ; it is the Spirit that drawes the yoke with you ; and by fecret animations, · anrl uveet infpiranons hearrem,and enable~ you ro do . the work with eafe ; and in this refpect: the Saints areJaid to be led by the Spirit ; even,,ls a mother leades hc:. r childe th<H is weak, and enables it to ;,o the better; fo the Spirit leades the S.lints (as it were ) bythe hmd and H:ren; thc:.ns them to beleeve yet more and more. I fpeak now to Saint>, if whil es I preife you to belee ve in 'fefus , you feel the Spirit in his llirrih!,s, anJ impetuous acts, furel y icconcernes you to beleeve, it concernes you to be obfequious andyieldin; to the lxe1things of Gods Spirit, it concernes you to. co-operate. with tho: Spirit, and co anfwer his wind-blowing.