Ch:tp.z.Secr.6 Looking unto 1efuo·. Book. V. 1141 win::l-blowit~g. . As you ,tre to uke Chriit at .his word, fo yon are to take Chri!ts Spirit at his work: if now he knocks, do you knock with him ; if now his fin:ers make· a flirring upon rhe handles of the barre, let your h~Hts m.tke a lhrring with hi> fingers alfo; 0 reach in your h<!arrs under the flirrings of freegrace; obey difpofitions ofgrace as God himfelf;if now you feet. your hearts as hotlron,it is good then to fmite with the hammer; if now you feel your fpirits docile,fay then with hi :n inrhe Gofpel. I be!eeve, Lord helpe m; unbelief. I be!eeve, what? I 6e!eeve when [efuo comes again, i:e will recieve me to himfel(e , and that I fhall 6e for ever Wtth the Lord. e/fme;z, c..Amen. ------------------~---·-- SEcT. 6. Ofloving 'fe[tu /n that rejpecr~ 6. L E T us love [efuo,as carrying on the great work of our ~tlvation for us in his fecon:J 'co:ning.In profecution of thts,I mull: firll: fer down ChnHs lcve to us,anci then our love to ChriH; tlur is the caufe, and this the .eifect:; that is the fprinz, and this the !l:reame; in vaine thould W<! perfwade our hearts to love the Lord, if in rhe firH place we w<!re nor fenfible char our Lord loves us.H e lo:•e him (t'airh rhe Apoll:le) becaufe J:e firft loved 1-u ; it is Chriil:s way of winning h<!arrs, he draw<!s John 4·19; a lump of love our of his own he,m, and calls it into the finners heart, and fo h~ loves him. Come then ler us firH: take a view ofChJins love to us, and fee iffrom thence any fparkes cflove will fall on our hearts to love hi•n againe. Shott!d I make a table oft:hrifls aCl:s of love; and free-grace to us, I mighr b~gin with rh ,tt eternity of his love before the beginning, and never end till I dr,tw it down to ch1t eternity of his love without all ending: his love is as his mercy,from everlaHing to ever!aLling; h.<: lov<!d us before rime, in the beginning of time, in the fulneffe of time, at rhis time rhe flames of his love are as hot in his bre!l: as they were~<lt firfr, and when time Dull b~ uo more he will love u~ Hill;rhis fire of heaven is everla!l:ing ;there is in rhe F H ff ff 3 brefi