·, u41 Bo k.V. Looking u»to ~efus. Chap.z.Sccft.6 John I4•xs. · bre!.l ofChriG an eternal coal <?fbuming love, thatnever,never {hall b~ quenched. But I have 111 fome meafure already dif..:overed all thofe acts ofhis grace and love,till..hi.necond cowino:and therefore I begin there. . 0 1. Chrid will come ; is not this love? as his departure was a rich teH_im?ny ofhi_slove. _It i.· exped."ei1t f()r)'OU t?at I go away; [o 1s hts returnmg, I wdln~t leave y()u .c()mf()rttef-.e, I will cm1e unt() you ; Oh how can we ~hmk .of ChnHs. returmng, and not meditate on the grearnefi~ of hts l?v~? fmzht he not fend his Angels, .but he mull come htmfelf? 1s lt not Hate and maje(l:y enough to have che Angels come for us, but that he himfelf ni.uH come with his Angels, to meet us more than half the way? what King on earc~ would adopt a begg~r, and after his adoption would himfelfgo 111 perfon, to fetch htm from the dunohill to his Throne ? we are filthy lazars, from the crowne of o~r heads to the foles ofour feet we are full offores, and yet the Kino of heaven puts on his belt attire, and comes_in perfon with all hi-s retinue ofzlory,toferch us from our graves,to his own Court of heaven.Oh the loves ofChriit in this one a6t,he will come aaain, he is but gone for awhile, but he will come again in his 0 own perfon. 2. Chri!l will welcome all his_Saints into his prefence ; and is nor this love?after he is come down from heaven;he !!ayes for them awhile in the douds and commanding his An~els to brino them thither , anon they corr:.e ; and oh how his hearr fprino~ within him at their coming ! wh<it throbs and pangs of love a~e in his heart at the fi.rtt view of them ? as they draw near, and fall ·down at his feet, and wor!hip him ; [o he drawes n~ar, and falls upon.their necks,and welcomes them.Methinks I hear him fay, f()me blej[ed Joules, y()u are mypurchafe, fw whom I covenanted with my Father from etemzty; 0 you are dearely welc()me to JOUr Lord; in that now I have you in my armes; I feel de fruit of mJ death, t/;e r:cceptation ofmy facrifioe, tl:e returne of my prayers; f&r this I was born and dyed ; for this I rofe again and afcended intu leaven, for thh· I ha"'e interceded a Prieft in heaven zhefe man; ;:ea~es; and now 1 have the end an1 dejign.: of all my. aElings r-:nd jujfermgs for you, h~w r.s my ;r~y fu!tJ!led? lo?k as ar ~he meetuP of two lovers there Is .zreat Joy, efpenally tf the dtH:ance hath been grear, and the de[ires of enjoyinz one another vehement; fo