Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

~hap . 2.Sect 6 Looking unto :jeftU. Book.V. II4'l fo is th:: meeting ofChriH wi th his S.1ims;rhe joy is fo great rh,1t it runnes over, and wets the faire browes, and be.mreous ·lock; of Cherubi:ns ansJ Ser,tphi~s; and all rhe An_;els h,we a part o f this b.mquet at this day. 3. Chriil: will fen renee his Saints for·eternal ·life; here i~ love · inJeecl, every'word of the femence is full of love ; it containes the reward ofhis Saints ; a reward beyond t~ir work, .and beyond their wages, and beyond the promife, and beyond their thoughts, ancfbeyond their under,landing; it is a participation of the joyes of God, and of the inheritance of the Judge himfelf: Come enter into your cMafters jor, in/:erit tle Kingdome. Ohbut if all the Saints have onely oneKingdome, \vhere is my · room ? fear not 0 my foul, thou f11alt have room enough ; though but one Kin(Jdome, yet all the Inhabitants there are Kings; whole heave1~ is fuch a Kingdo~e, as is enti rely , and fully enjoyed by one glorified Saim, all and every one h1th the whole Kingdome at his own will, every one is filled wirh God, as ifrhere were no fell owes there to !hare with him. Oh that I may come under this blelkd fentence ! never wa~ more love exP.reifedin words,than ChriH: exprefieth in this fenrence. Come je 6/ejfed, &c. 4.Chrill: will take up all hisSainrs with hi:n into glory; where . lie will prefent them to his E1ther; and then be their all in all co all eternity. This is the height ofChriits love ; this is the . immediate lov:e that comes out fro ::n the precious heart and bowels ofJefus Chrift; this is that Zenith oflove, when fenf:- · bly and feelingly it burns ar hotteft; it is true, that ChriHs love breaks out in all thofe precedaneous acts, we have already fpoken ; oh but wh1t loves will he caH: ouc from himfelf in ·glory ? the more excellent the foyle is, and the nearer the Sunne is, the more ofSummer,ancl rhe more of day; the more delicious mufl: be the apples, the po~gmlltes, the rofes, . the lillies rh1t grow there; furely Chri.CI: in oJory is a blef.fed foyle; ro(es, and lillies, and apples oflove, that are eternally Summer-greene and fweet, grow out of hi~ ; the honey of heaven is more . than honey; the honey of fove that is pure, and un :nixt, and glorious inChrilt, mutt needs be incomparable. I cannot fay, but thlt ChriHs love1 like himfelf, is the fameyefte,.day, and to day, and for ever '; there is no inten!lon, or remiffion of his love