Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap-~ ,Se6t. 6 Bool:.V. 1145 ------------------------------------------------ ----- him who is the white and ruddy, the fairelt of heaven ? oh the aaoravarion of rhis fmne ! irs an heart of flint and acttmant 0~hat fpirs at Evangel ike love: Law-love is love , bur -Evangelike love is more rhan love; irs the gold, rhe flower of Chri!l:s wheat , and of his finelt love. Oh rhe many Gofpel-pa£fages of love that we have heard ! .· oh ~the fweet Hreames of love that we have followed, nil ·now that we are come to a Sea of love, to an heaven of love, to an infinite, eternal , everlaHing love irl · heaven ! I want words to expre£fe this love of Jefus; a Sea of love is nothing , it hath ~ bottome; ~n h~aven of love is no~ thin a it hath a bnmme; but mfimre , eternal, everlafi~; love hath no bottome, no brimme, no· bonds ,. and do we nor yet love him ? do we not yet feele th~ fire of love break forth ?· if not, it is time to turne our preachin~ into praying; 0 thou who m;r the Element ·or Sanne of love, come Wtth thy power, let oat ~ne beame, one ray , one gleame of love upon my foul, fhme hot upon my heart, caff my foul into a love-tranfe, remem6er _ thy promife to cir_cumcife my heart , tkat I may love the Lord Dcur. 3 o. 6. ' my God with 11q my hea~t, and w;th all. my foul, Surely tile great Marnage of the Lamb 1s commg on , he will c:<?me? and w_elco~e all hi~ Saints into his prefence , h~ wdl b1d them mhenr the Kmgdome , and pur ~)lem in a pofief!ion of the inheritance; and rhen we cannot choofe bur love our Jefus with all our hearts, and wirh all our foules; onely beginne we it here ; let us now be fick of love, that we may [then be wel,1 wirh love; lee us now rubbe and chafe our hearts ( our dead-cold hearts) before this fire,rill we can fay with Peter, JPhy Lord thou /z.noweft all · things_, thou f<!zoweft that /love thee. Gooaaoi:J -~ t:IOO':JO sE cT.