Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

u4.6 Book.V. - Mar.r.u. 1 .The!.).16. Pbilo4•4• I'fal.6S; 3• SECT. 7· 0/joJiil!, in 'fifuJ in that reJPetf. 7~ . LEt us joy in 'f·efm, as ca.rryingoh the great work ofour - · falvation for us in his fe~:ond coming. Chrift delight4l - to have his people look upon him with dcligbt; for a foul to be . alwayes under a fpirit ofbondage, and .fo to4ook uponChrift as aJudge, aLyon, ounoffende-dGod; itdoihnotpleafeGod; . -the Lord Jcfus iHtnd~r tif the joy of his Saints, rejoyce, and be exceeding glad, faith Chrift ; rejo7ce evermore; -rejO)ce in the Lord t~lw.cyeJ, and.againe, , I {II] rejoyce• . Let the righteotll be .gllld, let them rejoJce before God, .yea {et them exceeding/) rejO)ct• . All thatChrlft doth to his. Saints tends to this joy; as the upfbot ·or end of all; if he caft ·down, it :is but 'to taife 'thtmup; if he humble, it is but to exalt·, ifhe kill, it kbut 'to make alive; in -every difpenfation ftiUhe hath a tender care to preferve their jQy. Th'is js the J!enjamin, aboutwhiCJh Chrifts .bOwels beat, le-t my chil!:lrenfuffer any thing; but noth'ingci;, their joy; 1 'i>/ould have all th.ct love m] Name to-be jo,.yful in n:!C· Oh, fay fome; buC:Chrifts ·4ay is a terrible day; when Chriil: appeares, he will make tbe heavens, and earth, ahd hell to fhakc Pia\. SQ·-~· . and tr'~mble. Our 6odjhall come, izn'djha/l not k!rp filence; afire jhall devoure before him, and it foal/ be very tempeftwu round ttbout him. True! but what's all this terrour hut an argument ofmy Fathers power, . ltnd jufrice againft fim:rers·? if thou art Chdfts, . and haft thy part in him, . not one jot ofall this terrour belongs to thee. Tht Lord k..n9ws how to deliver the godly out of tempttt• tion.r, and to referve the the day ofjudgement to be punijhed. He knows how to make the fame day a terrour to his foes, and a joy to his people; he ever intended it for the great diftinguifhi(\g and feparating day, wherein both joy and forrow fhould be i'fl:A(\ifefled to the highefl. 0 then let the hc.~venJ rejoyce, the fea, P£a!91 ·7, 8,9. tf eearth ,the jlood1, the hill.r,for the Lord cometh to judge the earth; ·with r~~hteonfnef[e fha/l he judge the world, a~:~d the people with rquity. If you finde it an hard ·thing to joy in Jefus . as in reference to his fecond coming, . think of thefe . mo- . tives.- · ! •) Chrifl:s'·