Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Bool::V. 1147 J;. Cbrifts·coming is the Chrift.ians encouragement, fo Chrift -- ·himfelfe !ayes it down_, }IJU /h111l fee t.h.e fon ofm11n coming i;1 a Luk.z 1, 17 ,1 , 'c/opd with p~wer andgreat glo;y; 11nd when thefe things begin to ' to pltje., th.rn /aQk up, and lift Hp your head!, for jour redemptiO?J drawrt'h. nigh. The !1.gnes.of his q>ming are ohehopes ofyour :Jppro~cbing intr<M!uct~Qn into glory~ aod what fuould you do t~en b~t prepare for yonr with ex~eed,ing jpy ? many evils do now f~rroWld you every where, Satan hath his fnares, and the w.o~ld his bait~ and your' own hear'ts are apt t.o betray you in· to yoqr~eo{~Ayes hands; butt when CJuift comes, ')'au fuaH ba¥e fWI ddi-v.ttJ;nce.). and-perfechedemption ; ,and ther~fore .loaf( up~ 4nd tift NltJPHr h~ads. The Agoftle- {peaks 'the very fame- 'en- ( Tbe (·4· 1:• couragemcnt. . The Lor;d himftlfe [hall defeend f<tom heqy;en with 1?' 1 ' If fhoute, with the voyce of the Archang-el_, 4.nd with the trumpc of God., ttlfd thtdeAJi in Ch.rift [hall rife 6rft, thm-we which ate alive, awd remaiwe, foal/ be •aught Jl/1 t1Jjpher w(th.-them in.·the clouds, tc mfct the Lmlin the ll}re.,~wherefore comfort one 11nether with thefe wordr. Chritl:s coming is a comfortable doCtrine to all bcleevers ; and therefore all the Elect that heare thefc words, fltould be CQ.mforte4 by them. Comfort Je, comfort ye my J_eople. , , , · . . . z.. Cbrift QYr Sav4Q.Qr m.uft be our Judge ; th~ fame }efas that \1{35 borne (Q.r U5 0 aJld lived for us, ami dyed £011 u~, and dGcMro.w pay for us, wUI co;:ne at laft to judge us ; is oo.t this comfor.rab.le? ,you that have he~rd all his traofad:ions, Gan y.ou ever for- .get the -qaw~ar.i.~d.lil~fie of EhriftsJov.:e, in his confrant ~nd contil)ual;,CI:i~~ io1! your fol,lls? hQW long hath be b«n.inter.ceding fo~ his fiaip~,? bpwt®g ba~h h.e.b~en. lsiJncking anxbeir hearts for e.1ma_n.~;,c? it·is now,!(hovea thou<"anq fix bQndrech years that he hath ~een praying, ~n~_ l\nocking ' an_~he refol'les,ilot to gi~e ovenill all be.his, till aU ~be tribes ln oqes and twos be over rprrj~. ~ au~ up with him in the heavenly CaJMl n. And if th_is b.e lte J~t mUfhb.e.ogr Judge, if he .that loves oqr foul.s muft jqdge our fouls, · if he that hath a great intereft and encreafe of joy in our falvation~ muft ~alfe our fentcnce, will not this work us into a rejoycing frame? · 3. Ch.rifts fentence is the Chriftians acquittance ; (I may t~ll i~ his ~general acquittance from the beginning of the. world to,th_e end thereof.) Hence fome call this the day of ~he belceGgggggg2 vers