Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Gbap.z.Sect7; Looking unto 1e(tu. Book.V. II49 an heavenly heart, fo that we could look in, and behold the Throne, and the Lambe, and'the troopes ofglorified ones cloathed in white; would not this cheare up our hearts, and fill them with joy q1,1fpeakable, and full ofglory !' certainly this day will come, when Chrift will bring us not only to the dore, but tl?rough the gates into the City ; and then we fha.ll fee all chefe fights, and heare all the mtJ! made in heaven, how then fhould we but joy in the hope of the glory ofGod.? 0 methink~raifed thoughts ofour manfion in glory~ _fhould !ll ake u.s fwiiJ! through the deepefi fea of troubles, and afflictions, an~ never feare. Come then, Q my drowzy foul, and hear.ken to thefe motiyeS', if yet thou .fe<;l1 oot the Sun it felfe appeare,methink5 the twilight ofa promife fhould revive thee; it is but a little while, and he that fha/l come, will t;ome, ttnd he will not tttrry. It may be thou art reviled~ and perfecuted here on earth, and wha~ ·.tl!en? hath not Chrifi ·bid thee to rejo;ce in ajfiiflions? is it not his word, that in this very cafe Mar. r ,u~ thou !houldefi rejoyce, and be exceeding glad? -is it not his command, think..Jt not jfrt.tnge CBncerning the fiery trya{s, but ra1 p ther rejoyce, in M much M ye are partak§rs ofChrift.r fujferings, that er. 4 '13• when hu glory foal/ be revealed, ye may be glad alfo witk exceeding joy . We mufi rejoyce now, that we may rejoyce then; indeed qpr prefent joy is a tafrof our future joy, and God would pave us to begin our heaven here on earth. Lome then, come fo rth, 0 my dull congea-led heart! thou that fpendefi thy dayes info~- row, and thy breath in fighing, that mingleft thy bread with teares, and drinkeft the teares which thou wcepefi; thotl that prayc(t for joy, and waiteft for joy, and longeft for joy, and complainefi for want of joy ; 0 the time's a coming, when thou fhalt have fulne!fe of joy ; the time•s a coming when the .Angels fhall bring thee to.Chrifi, and when Chrifi !hall take thee by the hand; and leade thee into his purchafed joy, and prefent thee unfp.o.tted before his Father, and give thee thy place about his Throne; a!!d dofi thou not rejoyce in thi>? art thou not exceedingly raifed in fuch a Meditation as this? furely if one drop of lively faith were but mix:ed with thefe motives, thou rnighte£t carry an heaven within thee> ~nd go on ever G.nging to thy grave; fay tben, . doll thou belee've? or doil thou not beleeve? if thy · faith be firme, how {hould'ft thou but rejoyce ? if thou rolle1t thy felfe .on Chnft, and on .that promife, I will fee JOU <~g aine, an4 your ..