Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

;up- Book,Y. Lcoking unto 1ef H4. ·-Chap.2.Sect. 9 Luk, I) . IS ~ ·judged to the fame condition, or falvation? it is BOt an hundrdli ycares in 'alllikelyhood, till every foul of us !hall be in.heaven or hell ; it may be within a yeare, or two, or ten,or there abouts, the greateft part of this congregation will be i.n heaven or hell ; and 1 befeech you wl,Jat is a yeare, or two, or ten? what is an hundred, or a thoufand yeares to the dayes ofeternity? how .fpeedily is this gone? and hOw endlefrc is that time, or eternity. that is to.come? is it not high time then to prepare our lamps, to trim our fouls, to watch, and fafr, -and pray, and med1tate, and to remember that for all our deeds, good or eVIl, God will bring us to judgement? herein is our conformity to Chrifrs coming; · before he comes he prepares for us, oh let us againft his coming .prepare for him. · 2. Chrift at his coming will fummon all his Saints to arife, to afcend,and to come to him in the clouds; 0 let us fummon our fouls to arife, to afcend, and to go to Chrift in the heavens. What Chrift will do really at that day, let us do •fpiritual!y on this day . It was the prodigals faying, I will.mfe, andgo to my Father, and fal 11nto him. We are naturally Guggiili, we lye in a bed offin, and fecurity; and we are loath to arife, to afcend, aod to go to God. Oh then let us call upon our own foulsl Awak!, I ~twa/e.! Deborah! why art thoufoheavy 0 my foul? let us fiir up our fpirits, confciences, wills, affections every day; let us wind them up, as a man doth his watch, that it may be in a continual motion. Alas! alas! we had need to be continua-lly fiirring up the gifts and graces that are in m; it is the Lords pleafi1re that we iliould dayly come to him, ,he would have us -on the wing, and on the wing ofmeditation, and on the wing of fa•th, he wquld have us to be fr ill arifing, afcending, and mounting up in divine contemplation-to his Majefty. And is it not our dut y, and the Sain ts di(poGtion to be thm ? wherefoever the aeadcarcll(fe i.s, thither will the EAgles re(ort: ifChriftbc: in heaveo,where iliould we be but in heavenwith him? for where yr~r tret~[Hre is, t he•e will y our heart s be alfo. Oh that every morning, and every evening, at leaft, our hearts would arife, afccnd, and go to Ch rift in the heavens. 3. Chrift will at !all: ;udge all our fouls, and judge all the wicked to eternal flames ; oh let us judge our felves, that we may not be judg~d of the Lord in that fad judgement. If we would