Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.z.Sect.9 Looking tJnto :JeftU. Book.V. II 53 would judge our[elves (faith the Apoftle) we /hould not he judged. C Good reafon we have to conforme to Chrill: in this poynt, or 1 o:.11'31 • otherwife how fhould we efcape the judgement ofChrift at the }all: day? but in what manner {bould we judge our felves? I anfwer-- I. We muft fearch out our finnes. 2 We mull: confelfe them before the Lord. 3. We muft condemne our £elves, or palfe a fentence againll: our own fouls. 4· We mull: pleade pardon, and cry mightily to God in Chrifi for the remiffion of all thofe fins whereofwe have judged our felves, and condemned our felvcs. 1. We muft fearch .out our fins. Winnow you1· [elves 0 peoplt not 111orthy to be belo'1Jed, there lhould be a ltriet fcrutiny to finde Zeph.~.I . out all the prophannefs ofour hearts and lives, all our fins againfl: light, and love, and checks, and vowes; winnow Jour [elves. Jf you will not, l pronounce to you from the eternal God, that ere long the Lord will come in the clouds, and then will he open the black book wherein all your fins are written, he will fearch 'lerufalem with candles, he will come with a fword in his hand to fearch out all fecure finnersevery where, and then will all your lias be difcovcrcd to all the world. 0 that we would prevent this by our fearch and fcruting a forehand. 2. We muft confelfe our finncs before the Lord ; we muA: fpread them before the Lord as He:tek}.ah did his letter ; only in our confeffions obfervc thefe rules ; As-- r. Our -confeffion mull: be full of (or~ow; I will declare r»J P[; 1 s 8 iniquity (faith D11vid) I will be forry f or my fin. His confelllons a · 3 ' 1 • were dolorousconfeffions .; hefelt fin, and it wrought upon him as an heavy burthen, thq were too huwy for me. There•5 ver. 4· nothing in the world can make an heart more heavy, than when it feeles the weigh t and heavincfs of lin. , 2. Our confeffion mull: be a full ·confeffion, we m.uft poure it out. Thus D.tvid ll:yles one of his P{almes, A prayer of the lljfii- ' fled 111hen he is overwhelmed, and poureth out his complaint before P{al. 10 :, the Lord. We mull: poure out our complaints, as a man poureth Prcfacr. water out of a velfel. A rife~ cry out in the night, in the night, in the beginning of the watches, poure out thi!fe hc.:~rt lif:s water before Lam.:. 19· the f,:~ce of the Lord. Water runs all out of a veffel, when you turnc the mouth downward; never a fpoone.full will then ftay H h h h h h h behinde ;