Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

--~-·---- ·----- --... --- -·- --· -------···~------- ~··--·-------- ··- Looking unto ftfm. Book:: V, IFJ7 world cannot abide it; furel y if we thHJ judge our felv_n we foouldnot be judged. 4• Chrift at his coming will be glorified' in his Saints ; not• only in himfelfe, but in h•s ~ amrs alfo; whofe glor.y as it cornesf1om hirn,fo it.wm redound ro him; oh let him now be glorified in us; let us now in fome high way conforme to the image of his glory; let us look on Chrifl till' we are like Chrift, not only in grace, but in glory., and this glory as. it comes from him, fo let it redound -to him. l wiWnot·fay, that-the Kingdorne of heaven and glory is in this life, 1 leave this opinion to the dreamers of thistirne; I meane to the familifls, ~kers, and, fuch like; but this I fay that even tn this life the Saints of God en joy a begun and imperfect conformity,to Chrifts glory ; and. this is that I would now preife upon us; let us fo · behold the glory·:. Cor. 3.18· ~ cf thtJ Lord-in the g/'ajJe •fche qotpel, au hat we r!Ja}'be ch.rwged into the {it me imag·efrom glor} to gfgry; from a Ieifer mea[ure to an higher meafure of glory. The day is a coming that Chrift will be glorified in himfelfe, and he will be glorified in .his Saints, 0 the gloryes that will then be accumulated and.h(!aped upon Jefus Chrill: ! com.e now let us behold this glory of Chrift till we are changed in fome high mea fure into the fame glory with Chrift ; Chrifts glory rightly viewed is a changing glory; And herein the views of Chrifl furpaife all creature~ views; if we be. hold the Sun, we cannot poffibl y be changed into another Sun; but ifwith the eye ofknowledge and faith w,e behold J efus Chrifl, we fball be changed, into the glorious image of J efus C hn ft ; if the Sun ofrighteoufneife caft forth his golden beames upon us, . and we enjoy this light, why then who u fhe that look..§th forth M-Cant. 6. IG the morning(MAurora, the jir{tbirth ofthe day )faire M-the Moone, cleare M the Sun. I know this glorious change is but a growing change oy degrees, from g lory toglorJ; and yet who can deny but there is {orne - c-onformitie to Chriils glory even in this life? do not thefe very texts fpeak the felfe fame thing? thefe thing! have J h _ I fPo~en to ) OH, that my jo] · mi,ght remaine in Jou, and that your joJ 0 ' 1 >·~ 1 , might be full. And theft thing! write we unto 'fOU, that yoHr joy I John I. 4 ma}'be full. And M/z., and ye fh<~ll receive; tliatyour joy may-be h . full. And rrjoyce with 'ferufalem, and be glad with her all ye that Jo 11 1 6 ' 14 love her,-that Je maJ [11c·k_, andbcf~tiJfi.ed ~with the brefts ·of;n . · her