II58 Book.V. ' Looking unto '"~ e(us. Chap.z.Sett.9 Rom.Jp~ , J oh, t6, u. her confolatiows thflt ·ye may milk$ out, and be delighted with the abund.mce of her glory. And the God of all hope filt yott with all joy and pettcein beleeving. surely ali joy' and pe(1ce, are fynech- . dochically put fo1ail other mchoations of glonficarion. Bu't how is a·Saint in this I,fe filled with all joy ? I anfwer, 1. In regard of the object,· God and Chrift, 2. In regard of -the degrees ; though not abfolutely, yet fo f.1r forth gs the meafure of joy is in this life attainable; I might infl:ance in tbe joy or _'Mr. Penccck.;, Mrs. Brettergh, and offorn ' Martyrs, who ft~ng !n the fires. 3· In regarp o_f duratwn, re;oyce :tf.IJNJI:s, not only 1n the calme of peace, but tn the ftorme of vtolent oppofition. ASaint may have his troubles, but thefe troubles can never ro. tally or finally extingui!h his joy, JOHr j~y no man tttk!th from you. He rejoyceth ahxrayes. · 0 that fomething of the glory ot Chrift might reft upon us! oh that having this glory of Chrifi in our thoughts, .we could now feele ~change from glory to glory l Is it fo that the Lord Jefus will be glorified in all his Saints? and lhall we have inglorious fouls ; bafe and unworthy affections and converfations ? or {hall we content our {elves with -a little meafure of grace ? 0 be we holy, even as be is holy ; let our converfations' be heavenly, let us purifie our felves even as he is pure; let us refemble him in fome high meafare ofgrace. And laftly, lee us glorifie him in bodyes and fpirits; all our glory is from him, and therefore let all our gloryredound to him; -let us now begin t.h~t Gofpel-tune of the eternal fong of free grace, which oae d,ay we ihall more perfeCl:ly chant ·in glory; _Apelujeh L :and · againe A..flelujah I and 'Amen A!ldttjah l .(dlvation, and glory, (tnd power; and praifr, and thllni{/g'iving, and obedience; be unto him that fits on the throne, the i.dlmbe blejfed for tver and ev~r.~ Amrn. " (. . r. ; t . ' 1 ,/ ~ ..:.-..-.-- ' ----. - __ ,__.__--;,-,- .. ~"':1--~~ f ' 'Ihe couclufion. r ' ' Arrd now (my brethren) I have done the errand which Chrifr .fent me on, I verily beleev.e, . I have how dehvered this work of the everlafiing Gofpel, or of Chrifts carrying on the great work