Chap. z.Setl:.g Looking tmto1efm. Book. V. x r 59 work ofmans £1lvati?n, hath been fomewhar lo'ng m fpe'!kmg, but oh how long m ading! may I give you a !bore viewof · what I have faid; and of what ha th been afud from eternity, and will yet be aCI:ed to eternity ; you may remember, that God in hii eternity laid a plot or defigoe to glorifie the riches of his grace in faving finners; and to that purpofe firft he decreed a Ch rift. 2. Prefently after the fall, he promifed the Chrift he had decreed. 3. In fulneffe of time he exhibited the Chrift that he had promtfed ;·_then it was that the fame Chri{t took upon bim our nature, and joyned it to his Godhead to be one perfon ; and in that perfon he was borne, and lived, and dyed, and rofe againe, and afcended into heaven; there now he hath been fitting, fendtng down the holy Ghoft, and interceding for his Saints for above one thoufand Gx hundred yeares ; And in this laft work he will continue till the end of the world, and then he will come againe to judge the world, and to receive his Saints. to bimfelf, that where be is they-may be with him, to fee and enjoy him to all eternity. This is the epitome of all I have fdid ; only in every particular"! have fet down Chrifts aCI:ings towards us, and our aCI:ings towards Chrift; in various formes, and Out· goings of h[s love he hath aCI:cd tow:1rds us; and in various formes,and ·out-goings ofour fouls we have been taught fitly a r d fuitably to aCI: towards him. Now in all thefe aCI:ings how doth the free grace of God in Chrift appeare? ye are f.-.ved by grace, faith the Apoftle, Eph. 2. Eph. 1 • ~· 5. the decree, the meanes, the end ofour falvation is grace, and only grace. The decree is grace, and therefore i~is called thr . eleElion ofgrace: the meanes are of grace, and therefore we are Ro;~· 1 • ~. called'llccording to hi; grace; and we are iujlijiedfreely by hu grace ~0~~~ 1: ~ ·9· And the end is ofgrace, for eternal life u the "~ift of God, both Kom. 6.~;·:. beginning, and progrdfe, and execution is all of grace. This is Eph.q, , the riches of hu grace, the exceeding, the byperb~ lical riches of hi; Epb. ~.7. grace; the conclufion of all is this ; Gods free grace which was firft deGgned, will at lafr be manifefted, and eternally pr.1 ifed by Saints and Angels; the fame free grace which from the begin. ning of the age of God, ' from everlafring, drove on the favi ng plot, and fweet deGgne of our falvation, will at lafi. be glorified to purpofe; when heavens inhabitants will be ever diging into this golden-myne; ever rolling this foul-delightmg and precious - ftone ; ,