to6o Book.V• L#oklng :mto fef 111. Eph. r: {o 2. Cor. 4.6. Heb. 1, 3 J uhn ·J.;. 9, .ftone ; ·ever beholding, viewing, enquiring, and fearching into ·the ucellency ofthis-fame Chriil:, and this free grace. Now all is done, fhall I fpeak a word for Chrift; or rather for our felves in re:acion to Chrift; and fo an end r if I had but one word mor<: to , fpeak in the world, it fhould be this ; Oh let all our fpirits be taken up with Chrift ! let us not bufie our felves too ·much with toyes, or trifles, with ordinary and low things, but look_,unto 'lefm. Surely Chrift is enough to fill all our thoughts, ·de!ires, hopes, loves, joyes, or whatever is within us, or without us; Chrift alone comprehends all the circumference of all our happinelfe; Chrift is the pearle hid in the large field of Gods Word; thrift is the fcope ofall the Scriptures; all things and perfons in the old world were types of him ; all the Prophet& foretold him. all Gods love runs through him,-all the gifts and graces of the Spirit flow from him, the whole eye ofGod is upon him, and all his defignes both in heaven and earth meet in him; the great deGgne ofGod is this, that he might gather together in one all things in Chrift, both which 11re in hettven, 11na which 11re on e11rth, even in him. All things are fummed up in one Jefus Chrift; if we look on the creation, the whole world was made by Chrift, ifwe look on providences, all things fubfift in Chrift, they have their being, and their well-being in him. Where may we fin de God but in Chrift? where may we fee God but in this elfential and eternal glalfe? Chriil is the face of God, the brightnejfe of his glory, tbe expref[e im11ge of his Fathers perfon; the Father is as it were all Sun, and all pearle; and Jefus Chrift is the fubftantial rayes, the eternal and elfential irradiation of thisSun ofglory : Chrift outs God as the feale doth the ftampe; Chrift reveales God as the face of a man doth reveale the man; fo Chrift to Philip, he that hath (een me, hath feen the Father; q. d. Jam as like the Father as God is like himfelfe; there is a perfed: indivifible unity between the Father and me, I and the Father ttre one; one very God, he the begetter, and l the begotten; Chrift is the fubftantial rofe that erew out ofthe Father from eternity ; Chrift is the eifential wifdome ofGod ; Chrift is the fubftantial Word ofGod, the intellectual birth of the Lords infi(,lite underftanding . Oh the worth ofChrift! compare we other things w~th Chrift, and they will beare no weight at all; caft into the blllance with him Angels, th(!y are wife, but he_is wifdome; call - · ~ into