Chap.~.Setl.g Looking unto 1-efw. Booi: V. Io6r ·~--------------- into the ballance with him men, the}; are Jyars,ligluer rl1an vanity,but Chrifi is the Amen, the {4ithjul witnrJTe; ca!t into the fcales Kings,and all' Kings,& all their glory, why he is King of Kings; cafi into the fcale millions of talents-weight Of glory; cafi in two worlds, and adde to the weight millions of heavens of heavens, and the ballance cannot down, the fcales are unequal, Chrift out- weighs all. Shall I yet come nearer home ? what is heaven but to be with Chrifi? ·what is life eternal but co beleeve in God , and in his Sonne J efu> Chrifi ? ~·:Jere may we finde peace with God, and reconciliation with God ,butonly in Chrift, Godwa; in Chrijf recmciling the world P.nto himje!fr? where may> Cor, 5 . 19 • we findecompaffion, mercy, and gentleneffe to finners, hut only inChrifi ? it is Chrifi that takes off infinite wrath, and fari-sfies jufiice, and fo God is a mofr lovely, compaffiorate defirable God in Jefus; all the goodneffe of God come> out of God through this golden pipe the Lord Jefus <.hrifr : Jt is true thofe effential attributes of love, grace, mercy, goodnelfe are only in God, and they abide in God, yet the Mediatory manifeftation of love, grace, mercy, and goodneffe, is only in Chrifi; Chrifl: alone is the treafury, ftorehoufe, Magazene ofthe free goodnelfe and mercy of the Godhead. In .himwe -are elected, adopted redeemed, jYfiified,fanCl:ified,faved; he is the-ladder, and every ftepofit betwixt heaven and earth; he is the way, the truth, 4nd the life; he is honour, riches, beauty, health, peace , and falva- ·tion; he is a fuitable, and rich portionto_eyery mans fQul; t!lat which fome of the Jewes obf~rve of,the Mannah, that i.t w~s in taft according to every .mans p~late, , it' is really trlie Qf Cht.ill, he is to the foul whatfoever the foul would have hfm to be. All the fpiritual bleffings wherewith we are enriched, ' ar-e in and by Chrifi ; God hearl!s our,prayers by Chrifi; God forgives us our iniquities through Chrift; all we have, and all we expect to have, hangs only on Chrifr ; he is the golden hinge, upon which all our falvation turnes·. Oh how fhould all beam betaken with this Chrifl:? Chrifrians! turne your eyes upon the L<Jrd ; look._, and look_ againe unta {eft#; why ftand ye gazingoll the toyes"of this worl d, w!Jen fuch a Chrift is offered to 'you in the Gofpel? can the wotld dye for you ? can the world reconcile you to the Father ? c~n the world advance you to the Kingdome of heaven? a~ Chrift is 11/1 in all ; fo let him be the full and complcate fubjeCl: of our Iii i i i i · · defire,