106~ Book.V. LooHng unto 1efus. defire; and .hope, and faith, and love,, and joy ; let him be in · your thoughts the firft in the morning, and the laft'at night•. ~hall! fpe~k one word more to thre that beleenftl? 0li·. apply in particular all thetranfa&ions of Jefos,Chrift to·thy ve-ry fclf; / reme.mbc:r how be came,out of bis• Fathers bofome- for tl:lee. ~pt" for thee; b1ed for thee-; poured ont his- life for thee•; i~: now rifen for thee; gone to heaven for thee; fits ·at GodsTight' hand.. and rules all the world for· thee•; makes interceffion for thee; and at the end of the world , will come againe·for thee; and receivethee to himfelfe,. to live with him for·ever and evtl'. Surely if thus thou beleeveft, and liv~ft; thy life is comfortable, , . and thy death will be fweet; ifthere be any heaven upon earth d1ouwilt finde it in the prad'ife and.exercifc ofthiJGofpel-dtJtY»· in:lookjng unto [ifm·.. ' - ACZ!m»e if_Mr.GeorgeHerbet ;, IJu Ttmplr. { ESV i•in my heart, his facred Name · Is deeply,carved there; but th•·other weekA great aftl_ittion broke the little frame, - Ev•nall to pieces; whic~ I wenttofeek : And firft'l found the corner; where was J-; After, where E ·S, and next where V was graved! When I had got thefe pan:els-, inftantly I fate me down to ft:idltbem, and'perceivcdf 'Inatto my broken heart he was-I t11[eJOII, . · and:tomywboleisJ.ES-&;: . ' I