Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

1 1 SermonJ lately publifotd. Dr. Sam. Amu(ly (Th~ firft difh at . t~e Wilt/hire Fea!t)A Ser. mon preached before many worthy Ctttzens of London , • born in that County, in 4· . · -(Communion with God) in two .Sermons, .preachedt at Pau(s befor.e th~ lord Major o(L~.ndon,in 4· ' i Mr.. J!dmnnd Calam1 (The Monier offinful Self-feeking Ana~ tomized) A Sermon preached: at Paurs before the Lord Major of London, 'in 4· , • Mr. -' Wari:en of Hatfietd.•Rct,iJ in Effe-'t (,The Po~ent Potter) ASermon preached at a Fail: before the· Parli~m,ent, in 4· · , ,_(The unprofitable Serva~).; A· Sermon preached at .the Affize at C lnr..1[ord, in ej[ex, ia 4, . ' ~ (Mans Fury fubferyient to God's Glory.).ASermon preached before the Parliament at a publike Thankfgiving. . . !'Jjr. t.R:obcrt. Cje/t,,)N.~rmon, touching G.ods Governr;nent. of the Wood by Angels, precrchedJ>efore th~Aflrologers, in 4· , _..:!..]1>(j.ih's Flood " relit~rning, A Serm9n preached before the R.ight Wodhipful 0:)mpany ofl)rapers, in LondoN in 4· · Dr. 'fohn Whincop (God's Call to Weeping and Mourning) A Sermon preached at a fall before the Parllament, in 4· Mr. Ge6rgc W"'lk,rr, . a Sermon <l:lreached at a hfr before the Parliament, in 4· · . Richw-tlMeggilt{.The Rib reftored)or the honour ofMarriage: a Sermon preache!i iriDioni.IBack Churcb;occafioned by a wedding: ·. Mr: l{alenrinet:, , A!. ~er~Don preached at a Faft before the Parw liament, in 4· . .1ct\1r. Wiltiiuntiood(l'(lfeb Raife.d~ ASermon a Faft before the Lords' in P.adiamcnt, in 4· Mr. ThomM Goodwin (The great Intere~ of: Sta~es and: King~ domes)t.AiSermon pr~a.cl1e<i before the Parliament, m4· Mr. Samuel Kem (The King ofKings) His privy marks for the Ki~gdomes· }hoyce' of new Member~: A Sermon p~eached upon the choyce ofBurgelfes for the Parliament, in + Mr. Ben. Hubbard(Sermo Secul.rru )Or ,a Sermon to bring toremembrance the dea!ingsofJehovah with tbisKiogdom 4 Mr.J. P~ ASermon preached upon Mt-~t. 22. 2I· Wherein isfet forth the-Kiqg's duein paTt, and peoples duty, in 4· Mr. Ambr. StAvelJ (Jude~ Expurgatorius ; Or, A fhort Examination of the Doctrine ofPlMgatory) in 4· Mr. I· I