98 Book.II: _Lool:ing ttn-to 1e{us. ofGod,According to eleflion migJ,e ftlmd ~, or be•fure>. it ~imports : Rom. 911. Gods ftability, and fteadinelfe. , and conftancy· , . ~nd firmrie1f~, in favingfonles. There is much inconfl:ancy and fickleneffHrr , the love of man , or in toe love of a woman , but tlie love ofGod'; to his people is-a lleady love.; as the Brtdegr~om rejo)'teth over th, · Ji!l.~j .s ~. Bride, fo foal! thy Godnjoyce over-thee; not only fo-doth thy God;, but fo .jh.1!l dyi God rejoycepver thee, Gods .purpofes·. ate- withGUt any alteration, .the;'!ove ofChriWafter thoufandS; of.yeares is .. · ~ ftill . a~the !ove of a Bridegroom upon the wedding day; 'indeed); then ordinarily love is hot, ~nd r.tppeares much ·; fois·,<2brills l(lve;, .and·fo i~Gods loveever·liot; there is ,no moment ·oftimef~om E.t~rnity to.Eternitywh.erein .Goa. rejoycet!J,not ,mrer his·. Saints,~s- tlle :-Bridegroomrej0yceth o.ver his Bride;not only as atr.. hils band o,ver- his-wife, but as-a.cBridegroomover- his Bride,we may : fay of tbis purpofe ofGod , .11sit wrts in the beginning , it is now ~tzd-ever;/hall be world without• end. G my. foul~ mufe , .and niedi.tate on, this·purpofe or God ~ and~~: ~McSf~~; li¥·confequen~eon thefure mercies ofDavid; it may be· it'.isnot -. ai1~aye~ . a~ik~ fure to taee; the love> ofGod as· the fliining-:Of the S~:m,~o~hl'flS>t -alwayes ·in the fruiu ofit fuine out ·fo g!oriouily , btw~bitS!Jtrkeepeshis courfe in a Lleady way: what though it be . f~mf:!li:mes-doudecfl , what though at times it .fuine .not'fo -g!ori- . <OOfiY,-.a~. a~ high-noon:·? :yet the purpofe ofGod .tccwding to ele[/ion rtfffjl(ft4nd. . 1\H ~b~:I)evil~-in hell cannot:Jrullr.ate._ c; ods put.p9fe - ot:Qnc~raing· onel.y\one.foul: this is the F'd,thers will whiah font me 79hiP1!l~- ({a!th ;Qhrifr.) ybat :of 11lt ,rPhich he hath given. me ,J foould loft 11f?1f.• ·. S>; .G:onfid~~;Go~siMcree- COtKerning thy.foijles fal\!atio.n; artd ' .t~~jn~ane~~~~ ir< .. Mtlle purpofe ofGod., fo.therlecree,,ofGod , f.(P~~!l:;.fi~ptlity ,a~JPC!:ertainty• of the thing decreed. . The founda- :'.l.::J.im:H<J.-. tip"n,~f,G.If4.ff..undeth!fl/re; ( iX The decree ofG od touching mans . f!!b!'alit~nris . unfhlll'lgahle . If .dfe Lawes of Medes and~ Perlians . \\ie~ rf<f.'<lbfQiUt,~(f _ tb;tt ~hey· eQuid not be reverfed , .then much Itlf:l~f:ant-Qe , dege~sofGod berc;verfed: no man ,that is note- . lqft~d can be ~!ected ; ,and no man that is elected can poftibly be ·: ~mned. . ZifJ jbecp he~tr "if v~ic( (faith Chrill) and I give unto , t~'emtterna{ fife, and they foa/l neverperi.fh, ?ttither foallany man . Tqn: Iorj1~s "pl#pk._tbt_1flroutofmy httnd.And itmufl: needs be (o,~orqods decree · :\ · !~~.g~oyn4£4 .:on ~~ne · E~~~nal li'=!d· !¥lchanga.h.le-. wll! ofG'od t and. 1 . . ~e.~£~:~