Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Book H. 101 p!ucked offth~ haire, I hid not myf~refromfhamrandf~itting, a~d · therefore my F~tther /ovu "?_e becaufe I lay down my life. (Imft Joh,1o,r7 ; jirft thus covenanted with his Father, and then he was careful to .- difcharg~ thefame , .and at Iafthe tells God, I . hrwe finijhed the) oh.tM~ . work..which thou gaveff me to do. . . , · 4· Therewas·anearneftexpeCtation of that glory which the ·Father promifed Chrift andhis·members :And now 0 h1ther glo- , rifle thou me with thineownfelf , . with the glory which I wir}[J0~·1 7· S"• thee before the world wai. And ·Father·l will, that thry,t~~lfo l11hom Jo ' 17·2.•1! .thiHI ht~ff t,itJen me be with me wh!re I am, tlw theymt~y beholdmr .glory n hich thou haft given me, .for thot~love_dft mr before th'e fo'Un- _. datum4the world: ..-.. Thefe were the Arttcles of the Covenant . on Chrifts part, and henceitis that God is called the God and EA..- EpheC.r.J, · therofoul' LmJ 'f.efus Ghrift,vh;by reafon of the Covenant; - 0 my foul, with what delight mayft thou confider, mufe, and ' - ponderon .~hefe Articles? · what, . that.Goa fhould make a Covenant , and enter intO-< ~hefe , and' thefe Artides -with his·own Son-for- thy good ,. for thy Eter.nal good .P what , tflat•God i fhould bring in the fecond perlon ·in the Trinity to be the head of the Covenanc,as on thy pare,? what-amercy is this? .0 run over , and over this meditation, .a thoufand, and a . thoufand;times . i: 0 confider thy hope of Ete-rn11/life , . -whir:h God, . thAt·CIItm!Jt lie ;'. pr~mifed before the world !Jega"! If thy foule queil:ion~ wh'at pro• Tituu;!i .~ m1fe ·was there. made . before the world began? to whom was . · the promife made? who- was therr before the world began for , qod to make any p.romife -to--? why. now thou .hafi learned ' it was onely to the Sonne of God , the fecond ' perfonin the · Trinity There was a mofi bletfed tranfaCtion b~tween God i the Father and .God the Son, .before the·world.began, f()r thy everlaihng ~ood , and upom that tra'flfacbon· depends all thy llop,e , and all thy falvation.. 0 thisisworthyo£rhy deep · and !~ fad , aqd feri.oes, , and inmoil: meditation. I have been pa;timl~r and large tn ~hts_ palfageof t~oking unto, or conjidering Je[Hs h ~ l fuaU be bnefmthereft. · '