Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Cbap.z.Sect3 Looking unto 'fefns. all thefe,wondersof:eternity; do you.not fenlibly ·di tfer fi·om:your~ felves in.your affh9:ions? Js, not ,the world, worldly pleafures, worldly.profirs,·and worldly honours.fallen too; yca, ten in an · hundted .witb. you)., have-theym6E Jofhtheir:price? would you ; notl rather be·afftired that your namu are~ writteJ': in the book;; of' !iff) then to have &ll : ~he world yours-; ~a;, a~d all d1e Divel.s in 1 hellfubjetl:to .· your commands·?. .~ <::e.rramly,,~f thefe revelatiOns • w,ork:notblng<in your hearts;if y~J~:aff~r()ns he fo : iho~g and . hearty to the. world, ,and :th~ vamttes,oftt, ~f:your defires b~ fo impure; . and frrongly working downwards; that God~ ~nnenc loveund.everlaftiog;workings haveillO<·p.owert<Yn.yogr ·hearts, . it is a. very fad.condition. .If Dt!.vid may have bis.with, it runs thus; Lord lift thou up the light.·of th]' counte;umce upo>nu ; h-e woald l . h'ave ,the manifefrMi;on ofr Godse~rnal love-; one., fmile .of his Pi.1 .~. · countenance (as an image of that countenance .whioh God had '_ towarqs him before the world began) was .morc gladnejf~ to -h/5-· heart, ~hen aU that;wbich themen of the, wor.ld.had,,jn tbc · tim~-· thatr their· corne, 4nd their wine increafed• z.._ W.e may and ·mu.fu?defire aftcnGou ilnd Chrifr·; the cotrr-•- .p,lQttersand atl:ors of that great work for us;what ,hath the GoP p,~l revea!cd,this truth,that before:, the creation God and .Chrift<' were bufied abtmt our goo_d? yea;andhilth Chriil>efpe{:iaUy,thae>>' came OYt,of t-he bofome--ofhis Father, and.broughnhe treafures' • ~ of his Fathers <:ounfel to-the"world,difcovere-d fuch loves to men? · · how then fhoul{.Lour def-ires·be aft-er Goa in Chrifi ? Whom h41.11: I in heaven bt:t ··thee_? ·11nd ther.e u none ~p~n e~rth th.rt I de- I'{.n,H •' --- fire bejides thee. A nght beholdwg:~fchnfi tn bs,e!:ernal work-, ' ings-will.caufe a ddire of (hrifi:ahove-ail defires; the heart now· thirft.sfoN1ot-hing but, him that is all , alLpower, all Jove, -all ho:--- linetfe;·ail happine.lfe:: tcH fuch a. foul of.the. world~ and gold,and· · gbory ;_ Oh what are thefer -.the foul will quickly tell y®u, the -.- world IS dung, and go:J.d is dung; and glory is dung, a/! u !?ut loJT~ . an.d dung ( or tlx excellency• of~the ~nowledge of [lzrift · {efm•my , . . '; Lord. Gtve T?c Go~; and Cbnft, faith_ the foul,or I die;-Oh my· Phlltlf-3 ·"~ deGre~ are to h1m who hath done all thts for me. Is nonhis the- · p~i?d frill of t!lY expreffion at_-t~e end of every difcourfe, wouri ' Chnfi were mzne ? thou heareft tt may be fome worldlings talk e.;. .. foch a one; ' \'lnd fudu.onebath go.tfo much in thefe times . fJC~ _. ~~~.was y.e_fterday ~5'.· pqor as-...£~~ ·:!Je is this da.y lik.e ~hat:'"c - namelelle,•.::