Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

·x 0.2 Book. U. SECT• . nJ. of~efiring-A[ter 1efm inthlftrefpitl. "3. w &muft diflre nfier ' ref~'"" caPt'ying on the,great work · . of our falvation in that eternity. Jt is not enough to ,k_now :and oonlider,, 1hut we muft deftr.e. ' Now dejire r".!a pll}fion look.j'fg 4[ter:the >#lttainmentof fime gBod ·which we _enjoy not, and which •JWe imagine-to befmingfor m. J.n this refpett ·we can- .not,'<iefire ,_after,Jefus, as now to carry on that wor-k ofour falvil· •til?n befoFe-theworl~ began, for that work is;a-ircady;perfet'l:ly .sf one ; But thefe ' thmgs we ·may delire aft-er, .,as, I. ·:Afterehe . maQifeilation of that wotk in us. 2. IAfter,GQd .an'd Cbrift the t complott-ers,and actors 'Of1;bat gveat woFk for us, ~ 3. After the . fpll~n~ u~m.Of\; execution.wherebyGod,effectually .wor-ks i-n time ~~~j:c;~rdiog• ~Qall his·wonkings, or decreei before time. - ' • .We mufi .defire,after themani.feftation of this wor-k in ut.' WJe bave he~rtl ofmarve.llous, ex~:ellenr,. glor-ious things <ion e· by / Jefus Cht'ill: for his Saintsfrom all eternity ; ·and oh what delires l now fbould btin us to. know that we are ofthat number? when J -hear and conf.1der that there was 'fuch a project, and'luch coun- . f~ls,:anld fqch love, and fuch a-purpfe, and fuch decrees, and fuch a Covc,na11t· be~wixt God and Chrift for falvation ofi fouls; and ~withaj, , that. they are but few in comparifon concerning whom ~ God..& Chrift h~th aU this care, will not this whet on my deGres! ~~nd make me cry,and cry again,Oh that thefe lovn were mine! how :· happy were .(,if I had a fhare in thefc eterlf~tl thoP.t,ht s of qod? Me- •· thinks we filQuld not hear of fuch tran£1ctions, •but it ·fhould fiir ·up .our hearts in infinite defires; ·.methinks we fhoutd pant after 1 a!fu~aucc;and frill be wifhing,Oh wh11t is· truth? and ·whllt is Chrijf? ..1tnd what <did .Chrift for .me before l 'll'M. , or before the world wM? I wc11U 1-lcyew him, I would I coulde~tjoyhim, !would ;1 were <~~Jfurl"d that he had om good thought of me rn that cter· nit]'! Chrifl:ians,! if you ha~e .any fbare in thofe tranfadions, .fooner or later you will ·feele thefe,defires ;•nay,; ifwy finful heart deceive me not ,upon the very confider.ation of thefe things I feele my felfe another creature in my deGres then I was before. Tell .me, you that haye tooK. a full .vicw of God, and Chrift, and~f