Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

7ond i.r the bc!tfo ~ the g~~df'.J /JuilJing , . made -u•ithout hands ~ which god j;-om aiL J::ternity decreed to be my home , my rrft, my dwelLing place t~ all Eternity.; and in yond flat ely Fabrilk ~ i.r many an heavenly Inhabit f?n t btfore I ccme:there are Angel.r, and there are all the Joules of Saint.r, that from Adam, to thi.r day have h11d their pdj} eout of thi! jinfu! woP!d: pa, there is 'fefunhe Son ofGod; and there is God the Father, God the Son , andGod the Holy Ghofl; and if I am predrftinated to this fel!owfhip, Lord, when foal! I hav~ runne through the meane.r that I may come to this end ? 0 my end! where is my end? where is my Lord, my (jod, my Comforter? where is my rrft? lThere i.r my end! I can..not be At rrft without my end, and ·thqrefore come L ord 'jefu ,. comi quickfy, be liks a Roe, or a young Hart rtpon the Mountaines ojCJnt, 8. l~ fpice.r. Chriftians ! why are not your Spirits alwayes breathing thus after thar glory, to which you are predefrinated ? why d() not you long after full enjoyment? the utmoll: execution ofGods -<lecree? why are notyonr hearts, your foulcs, your fpirits al-· ready in heaven? Surely there be your relations; yol'lr father is there, your elder brother is there ,. and there are many, !.dare fay ,.rnoll: of your other younger brethren : again '· there is your intereft, your ell:ate is there, 1fyou bele~ve :and therefore where fhould your hearts be , but where your treafure is.? come then come ; fet in tune thofe delires ofyour foules, jet your affeClian; , on things above, efpecially on that one thing Jefus Chrift: lookjng ~hJ~h . -------------------.---.of'-- SECT. IV. Of hopit~g in 'feflu in that refpefl. 4· wE Q1Uft hope in refu.r ' as carrying on that great work offalvation for us in that Eternity. It is not enough to .kno~ , and confider, :u>td ~elire; but we mull: h~pe , and mamtam our hope as to our own tnterelt 'J0.w hope i.r a p.tffi.m • whereby ~e e7pefl prob~Glj , or certainly fome future g_ood, AU •the queft10n u whether that falvation, conc-erning whim the P groat