Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

-----------·---------------· Chap.,, Seel,2, 99 hence we fay that there ·is a certain number ,of_the Elect )mown onely to God, which cannot poffibly be encreafed or diminifued. 1/zyowwhomihave chofe~, {aitb. Chrift And yet )oh 13,18, ·thou canil: not , 0 my foule, .hence mferre , that thou maifi be {ecure, for in this decree th.eend,and the meanes are joyned toge- • cher ofGod, and they.cannot be feparatedby any man: IfthQu . .beeft not godly, never e~pe¢1: to be happy : Gods decree of predeftination isaswell for the giving ofgrace, as for the givillg ~ of glory• . 6. Confider-the Covenant ilruck betwixt God and Chriil: for .thy falv.ation. If thou woulGft fain be acquainted with.the very _ArtiCles ofit, go on then_, take Scripture along, a.nd firft on .Gods part thou mayft .obferve,and·meditate,and confider·of thefe ~p,artkulars. - • 1 1. ~Tbat·there . was . a de!ignation •and appoiatmentofChritl ,f~om allf,ternity to thwffice of)1ediatodhip: whence Chrifi is =faidto'~.fdiedby the Fath-er, [9Yihim. h11th qod the Fathtr jelll!- ·~d : .an.dchofen-o£the-Fat.her., behrila my ferv.rnHJ?hom I uphold, , . .mine Ele[/,or chofen one. {th.G.zr• 2. Tb-er.c wasa,~ommandment ·from the :Father to the,~Son, 3' 41'~· :;.which he muilobey., and fubmit unto. As firft, he bad a<£om- ':llland wharto teach his people, .anhe Prophet ofthe Church , rfpr I have not fpok§n·ofmy [elf ( faid Chrifi) but the. F atJJer which Job 1 ,,, htgave me a.comTI'I.ilndmept, wh11t I jbouid fay, andwhM , '1 • 49> 1 fbould {l'eal{.: 'Secondly , ·he had a commandment to l~y,4own ' his life for-thofe that-were given him,no. man raketh-it from me, • bt~t I lay it down of my fe/f,l have power to lay it dewn ,and I have power. , to tak! it· again;this Commandment have I received ofrny F-ather. lvb.Io.,r~il .~3 was a.promife from the·Father to the Son: the Father · · .c~venantswith him in· thefe things;firft,tbat be will >giv.e him tll-e ··spirit in, tJ>undance: Behold my fervimt whom I nphold; - I have put m)'Spirit upon him, he /hall bring forth judgment to the Gen- I[a.-u ; a~ tiles.·-And theSpirit oftbe_Drdjba/ rcft upon him,the~pirit ofwif , dome and underflanding, the Spirit ofcounfel and might, the 'Spirit Ifa;u • '''~ ofk._nowledgc , a11d6f the fear of the.Lord. Secondly that he will 'give him affil.l:-aace and1help,i:n this~great wor-k of :edemption , I the Lor-d h11ve cAlled thee in righteoH[neJFt, and will hold thy hand; . ,what's that? •why,, ''I will ftrengthe~thee with my power, I wil11fa,47.:6.,. {u hol<itby band. that, thou fualc..coc ·be difcouraged in the work; · ·· .· : · ~01. ·v JH