Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

103 J3,ook H. Chap. z.SeCl:. 4 . -----·-- - --· - ----- - .but faith joftifiesinfrrumentally, in that it !ayes hold upon that which juftifits, even the righteoufnrlfe ofChrifi Jefus. 4. If thou art decreed for falvation, then fooner or later the _ll Per, 1,, ~. Lord wil beget and increafe in thee grace,holinelfe,fanctificatjon: .Eie[t according to the foreknowledge of God the Father; through fant!iflcation of the Spirit. God predeftmates his people Unto holineffe; he chofe us in {hrift brfm the foundation of the ll!phef, 1 • f• world , that we jbould be holy, ~nd withof1t blame brfore him. lf God appoint thee to eternal hfe, he doth here in this world appoint thee to an holy gracious life. No fanctification, no election; no grace, no glory; thou art to be a precious Jewel here, ere God will make thee up at that great day. · Obferve the £haine, Rom. 8, 29. 30. If I be fanchfied with the divine nature in which glory is begun, then I am jurtified; if jufiified then i have be~n called according to purpofe; if called, then I'wa! predeftinate ; and if predeftinate ro means, then I was foreknown, as one whom God would choofe to the end, even to immarceffible and eternal glory. S· If thou art appointed and prepared for glory, then God will give thee a thankful heart for fo great a mercy : thou canft no more keep in the heart from overflowing, when thou art fen!ible of this everlafring love, then thou canfr put bounds to the fea:See p fiUt praiGng God for the election of hlmfelf and others, Ep.bef. r:1r,t6 after I heard of your faith and love, I ceafe net to give t.h~tnkf; and Blejjed be the God tmd Fnther of our Lord Jeflu E~ef~ J.J, <f• Chrift, who hath blef[ed us with .t!l fjiritual b!ejfings in heavenly placn in Chrift, according as he hath chof en m in hir» before the foundation of the w01 -!d. . And what glorious triumphs d,oth P.1ul in the perfon of all the eleCted make over all kinde of - enemies that can be thought of? he challengeth every adverfa- ·->' ry to put forth his fring, and why ? even becaufe (jod hnth elected, and nothing can feparate them from thu unchangable love; Ro:n.s. . n 39· :rnd this was it drat begot his thankfg1ving, I thank. God througb 'Jlom. 7 • 15, Jeff# (hri/f our Lord. 0 my foul, how is thy heart affeCted · with praife and thankfulnelfe in thismatter? he that beftoweth great things, looks for great returne of thank5, efpecially this be: ing aiL thou canft do. . · 6. If the projeCt_counfel, love, purpofe, decree~ and Cove.: nant.ofGod witli Chrifr eoncerncd thee , and _thy fouls happi- ~ - · · · · · -- .. - !le!fed,