Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.~.sett. 5· 'Book U, III began? and that very promife the promife ofeternal life? Mark the words, in bope of eternal life, which God, that cannot tie, Titns r1 : ; . pr~mifed before ~he w~rld began_. Here's a pr~mife, and a pro-- mtfe oferernal hfe, and a pronufe of eternalltfe made by God,. lly God that cannot lie, and tha~ be~ore there was a· world, or any man in the world; If tho~ enq·mreft, to who.m then was this· promife !Dade ? Sweet:foul, _tt •was made to Chn~ for th_ee ;· naany prom1fes thou haft mScnpture made more tmmedtately to• thy felf, but this was the grand promife, and all the other promi- , fes they are but a.draught of that grand promife that god the: father made to his Sonne before. the world began•. 0 cries the foul, I cannot beleeve, what ? is-it poffible that God in his eternity fhould have any thought of me? What of •. ..., , me, bring mt yet borne, neither having done any gosd oi evil? , What, ofme, borne in thefe lafttimesof the world, the leaft of Saints, the greateft of linners,le1fe then the leaft ?fall Godsmercies? thatoffuch a one the greatGod, the ma1efty of heaven and earth fhould have a thoug~t, a project, a·counfei ·, a know. ledge of approb'ation, a purpofe, a decree:Nay, enter into a Co-- venant with his Sonne for my falvation? I cannot beleeve it. A- _ Ia~ t What am'! to-God?· or what need hath God ofme? if 11/l I Ca. 4o0 • · 1i! · '~ the n11tions of the earth are to him, -' bH.t M a drop of a buc-· l<ft; and M · the [mall duff of the ba!t.tnce; Oh what a minime · amlofthatdrop ·? or what a little, littleatome ami of that fmall dufl:-? and is .it probable that the greatnelfeof God~' the goodnelfe of God~ the power of God, the wifdome ·of God, the - eternal counfels-of .God fhould work.for me, to m:tke me glorious, blelfed; happy? to make me one with himfi:lf; and one.with : his Sonne, and one with his Spirit ? what care tak·d o£ every·· duft of the earth, or of every fand 'on the fea-fliore ? and.yet .: thefe are my fellow-creatures ; theres a thoufand . times more · difproportion betwixt God and me, and wouldGod take care of ,· me before I was; or before the world was ? what, would he bufie: ' hitil[elfand his Sonne, about fuch a·worthlelfe·wretched worme~ · would he decree Chrifl: to come .from the Father,for me ; . to -b~ · my Redeemer, IllY Jefus; my Savtour? I .cannot, J dare•not,l will ; not beleeve. . 0 ftay my fo.ul ; ~ud oe not faithklfe~ ont-beleeving;· )le take ~ ~y ~rwm.~~~ ~n . Pteces ~ ;J\s, I. Ib.ou ~ ky~ ~ , hllth;.qod anp ~hi;u~t~ j