Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Book.II. Looking unto :fe{tls. Chap.z. Seet.s the heires of promife? he kpowes our frame, and remembers that we are bt1t duft; and therefore to fuccour our weaknelfe, the Lord is pleafed to [weare, and to confirme all by his oath. 6. When w_e would make things fure to one another, we take a pawnc. And I will give thee a pawn faith God : and fuch a uawn,as _if thou never haclft. an~ _thing more, thou ihould'ft. be happy: tt is the pawne of my Spmt. Who alfo hath fealf'd us, .and givw the earneft of the Spi;it in_ o~r hearts,q.d. I will fend my Spirit into your hearts, and thts Spmt ihall be a pawne, an earneft in your hear.ts ofallthe good that I intend to do for you for ever. 7·When we would make thing~ lure to one another,fomething it may be is prcJentlydone, as a~ tngageme~t ofall that which is to come. And thus wtll I deale wtth thee, fa1th God, who liveft in thefe !~it of times : why thou fecft the greateft part of thy fa lvation already done, I made a promife from all eternitieof fending my son into the world to be ~~de a curfe for lin; ·yea,and 1f thou beleevefr, for thy fin; and this Is the gr.:ateft work of all that is to be done to all eternitie.Sure!y ifl would have failed thee in any thing it fbould have beene in this; it is not fo much for me now to bri'ng thee to heaven, to fave thy foule, as it was to fend my Sonne into the world to be made a curfe for lin : but when I have done fo great a work, and have beene already faithful! in that promife,how {houldft th~u but beleeve my faithfulneife in making good all other promtfe~? 1 fa man fhould owe thee a thoufand pound, and pay thee ·nme hundred, ninety, and nine, thou wouldft think furely, he would never break for the · reft; why God hath paid his nine hundred, ninety, and nine; and all the ~lory of heaven is but as one in comparifon of what he hath done, we may therefore well beleeve, that he who hath done fo much for us, will notleave the little undone. · Come then,roufe up 0 my foul,and beleeve thy intrefl: in tnofe eternal tranfactions betwixt God and Chrift: is not here ground enoug11 for thy faith? ifchou art but callrd, the promife ofGod is thine: or if thou dareft not rely on his promife (which God forbid) thou haft his indenture, his feal and witneifes of all forts, both in heaven and-earth; or if yet chou, beleevefi not, thou haft an oath;a: pawn, and the greateft pal:t of thy falvation already done to thy h'tnd; nay),lie tell thee more poore foule, then thus; ..__ . ~ -- - . - ·- - . --- even.