Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

----·--------~-- Cbap.2, Seet .6.... Louking tmtofefus. Book H. Il5 -- - - . ·------------...,.- even Chrifi himLlfe fromall eternity hath engaged for thee that thou fhalt beleeve; 0 then put not Chri fi to be challenged ofh is engagment by refu fi ng the Gofi)-:!1 ! furely when thou beleevefi, thou makcfi Chrifis word good ; he that beleevc:th not makes God a !ier, though in another fenfe, and for ought he knoweth , even in thi>, that he fruftrates Cbrills undertaking in the Cove· nant. And therefore beleeve; yea,and cry, Lord I believe, helpe thou my unbelief; increafe my faith, till I rome to full affurance offaith.Faith in thisfenfe is the very eye of the foule, reading its name written in rhe book of ltfe; it is an apprehent1on of our particular eleCtion. 0 beleeve, till thou comeft up to this fulnefs ofperfwafion of Gods love in Chrift. ---------....---------- ECT. vr. of /wing ::fefeu in thAt refpeCt . - 6. V v· E mufr lave { efP/s, as carrying on that great work , of our falvat10n in that eternity. And this is the fruit , or effeCt: offaith;ifonce we beleeve that all. tho!e defignes and rranlaCI:ions were for us,even fo us;0 then how fhould we but love that God, and love that Chr ifl: who thus firllly and freely loved us? God loved us before we loved him, for be loved U> ~n that eternity before all world>, fi1 ~ el y thenwe are bound to love him,1.&above all rhings.As the diamond formeth and fa fhioneth the diamond , fo love formeth & fafhionech love; or as fire con. verreth fcwel into 'ire, fo this antient love of God and Chrift may well caufeour love aga ~ ne . 0 Chrifi: ! didfl: chou not love us? who doubts 1t that but readesover the projeCt:, counce!, foreknowledge, purpofe, decree.and covenant of God and < :hrifi ? who doubts 1t that but reades the eternall deGgne ofGod, tha:t Chrift fhould go out ofhim!eif, & (uffer an extafie .through tbe vehemency of his love .~ that Chnft (hould fo far abafe his Ma jelly as to dye for us, that we might not dye,but live with him? 0 then how fhould this but kindle in our hearts a moft ardent love towards God and Chrifi? what more effeCl:uall motive to work mans love,then to be prevented by the love and bounty of an ~z. other?.