Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.:z.SeC1:.6. Looking unto !}ef_tH. Bookii. '1.17 owne· he foreknew thee, ( i .) of his free love he fee thee apart to life a~d to falvation; qod hath t·hofen us in Chrifl before the foundation of the world: he.chofe us in Chrift, bu~ not for Cbrift; no- Ephe[.r.4~ thing at all moved !urn to eleCt thee but hts own good pleafure • and free love. · 4· The purpofe of God was a refolution of love, it fpeakes his love to be a conftant, fetled, abiding love; no unkindnefs fhall . alter it,for having loved his own, he loveJ them unto th~ end, nay,he Job. I j •J;. loves them without end : from everlafting to everlafimg. 5· The de::reeofGod was an order (as I may call it) or an ad: of love, to give in time that grace unto his elect, which before all time he decreed lhould be an effectuall meanes to bring them unto glory. . . ; · · 6. The covenant betwtxt God and Chn£1: was an agreement oflove : God and c;hrift ftruck hands to fave our foules;grace:. 'Tim;1;,_;. wasgiven us in Chrift 'fefus:before the worJa began.Grace was given · · us,that is, the gracious love and favour ofGod in Chri£1: was given us before all fecular times. This was Gods meaning from ever:. lafting, this was the defigne, yea the greateft defigne that ever God had, to fet out the infinite glory, and.the riches of his love in J efus Chrift. No queflion but he had other great defignes in doing fuch great things as he ~ath do ne,but above at! tllie delignes that ever God had in all his workes, this is the chiefe,. to honour his mercy, to glorify the riches of his love and grace·: had it not beene for this he would never have madethe world; and therefore in that world to come it will be the .delight of God to fhew his, Saints and Angels what he is able to do for a creature; yea,he will to all eternitie declare·to them, to what an height of excellencie and glory his love and mercy is able to raife poore foules,fo tha~ t he very Samtsand Angels lhalladmire,and adore, and magaifie the Name of God everlaftingly for it. 0 my foule , canfl: thou ponder on t~1is,and not love him dearly :who hath thus l~v~d thee? Come, f1ir up thegift thatis in thee, tfthou art aChrtfitan,thouhaft fome fparks,though ·now (it may. , be) u~der the a~es : come, ruh, chafe, and warme thy affections, •. at tlus fire; love,hke a watch,mufi be wound up,_or elfc: it wil~ful downeward's : what doft thou?- why ftandft thou idle in the heate ' ofth~ day? Chri£1: hath fire in ~is hand,:'tis hue lookjng up, ~nd - ~caching out thy hand to take tt fi·om h1m: 0 take it with both! . ~3; thy •