Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

To the' Reader. death, rcfurreetion, afcenfion, feffion, interceffion, and coming again; and that one of thefe particul:trs might be thy one dayes exercife,and fo every day thou wouldil: proceede from firil: to !aft in thus looking unto Jefus, I fuppofe thou would{!: never tyre thy '[elf; and wily fo ? 0 there is variety in this matter to be looked unto, and tbere is variety in the manner of looking on·it. one day thou might•ft act thy k...nowing of J e[P4 in carry·ing on the great work of thy falvation in his eternity; the next day thou might'fl: confider 'f tjus in that refpect; and the next day thou might'fi defir.e afrer Jefus in that n!fpect; and the next day thou might'ft hope in {efus in that refpect ; and fo on_, till thou comeft • I fuppo~e the to the Jail: day ofthe work; which (befides * the object handled R 1 eftader wtll at at in every period, in thefe very aCl:ings up0n the object) ea one e reld · 11 h b f · h d cv~r the 1 i would ma amount tot e num er o e1e ty one ayes. Now book; a;1;t~~: would not this varietie delight ? It 1s the obfervation of Mr. forthis con- Lock.,_rer,onCol 1.16. that anholj foul can .not tyre it felf in the fia?t dayly ~x- contemplation of'fefus; how muchldle can It tyre it felfe in look,- ~ctf~ • du~mg i11g unto {efus, which is far more comprehenfi'(ethan coatemplatye~r/y~sle~~: ing ofJefus? collie, try this duty, and be conftant in it, at the objeCt in e. fer eightie one dayes in one yeare, and fo for eightie one dayes ve•y period co in every yeare during thy life; and then· for thy meditations on be read, or not any other fubject I £hall not take thee quite off, but leave the fe- ~~hd.~s h?~a~- malnder of the yeare,which is above three parts more,to thy own maJ i~n;h~l~: Ghoyce. If thou art fo refolved, I £hall fay no more, but the orin part con- Lord be with thee, and iffoon¢r or later thou findefiany benefit duce any thing by this work, give God the glory, and remember him in thy rof~·hat ~ne ;a prayers who hath took this paynes for Chrifis honour, and thy • ll \11owzng :Fe- ft (ru in fucb, or fouls good. So re s , fuch arefpeet.• '" Thy fervant in Chrift Jefus. I. A. . {