Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap. z.Sed. 7 Leaking unto j.efas. Book II. ~md Chrift fhould tranfad: a bargaine from eternitie, concerning thee by name, that the Father and rhe Son fhould commune to· cether concerning thy heaven,as if their language had beene thus; !Farher,what fh•t" be given to rhy iltflice to r-.mfome fitch a one, Abraham, I(i!ac, 'jacob, M,ttthert>, Mark_, Luk§, { ohn, M~try, Martha, Hanna, &c. why no more but this, thou (halt dye my Sonne,an"d whofoevrr beleeveth in thee jballlive for ever. Why then faith Chrifr, I will engage for fuch, anllfuch a one;f will enter •into bond for fuch andfuch a per [on; Abraham jhall beleeve in time; SEe I have writ downe his name in the book§ of life. And who art thou that re~dell: ? art thou a beleever .? d9fr thou beleeve in die Lord Jefus Chrift? Chrift faid the fame of thee, and rntred into a bond for thee , and en~red thy name in the booke oflife;See the certainty of this in Phil. 4· 3. Thou Thomas, Andrew, Prter, Phi1.4.3; . Chri ft knowes thee by name, and thy name is written in the booke of life. 0 go thy way, and reioyce, and take ftrongconfolation! is there not caufe? why,I tell thee thy name is in the'booke of heaven, and if this may adde to tby ioy, know there is none in heave.n or earth fhall ever be able to blot it outagaine. No, no poore foulc, there it no condemm1tion to them thttt are in Chrift . · Jefus : God hath decreed thy falvation , and Gods decree !hall Rom.8.1~· ftand , , l~t men and devils fay what they will to the contrary, the conn;[el of the Lordftandethfor ever, the thought s ofhis heart to allgenerations: it is as pollible for G9d to _deny himfelfe-, as Pf.3 3.11; it is poffible for thee a beleever to perifh. We are k§pt (faith the Apoftle) 6y the power ofGod through faith to (dvation . and rhere-1 Pet.J.f; fore reioyce, and againe reioyce; yea,raife up thy joy to that pitch of triumph, which is joy elevaud; and elevated fo high,that it comes to viC\:orioufnefs,and magnanimous conqudl: of heart over all things Say with the Apoftle, what, my name written in the Rom. 8·n f~ books of life? who /ht1!l lay any thing to the charge ofGods ele6l ? 38 139· -:--who then (hallfeparatr me from the love ofChrijl? foal/ tribulation, or d1freffc , or perfecJttivn , o~· famine or nak;dnefj'e or peril!, or fword? nay,!am perfwaded that neither death no~ life, nor Angels, nor p~incifalities , nor powers, nor things prefent,mr thmgs to come,vor hnght,nor depth,nor any other creature fbali be a6le to feparate mefrom the loveofGodwhich is in Chrift my Lord~ 1 . . . . . , . I ~Be]}'