Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap. 2 .Secr.9 L~oking u1:1to :Fifl/4, Booic 11. Ruler ofthat Nation, oh (faid he) when I was borne, a thoufand Dther joules were borne in this Kingdome withme, and what htfliVe I d6ne to qod more then they? 0 my foule, what difference betwixt thee ana thofe many thoufands of reprobates that live with thee in the world at this day ? nothing , furely nothing but the free mercy, goodneffe , and love ot God in Jefus Chrift. 0 then praife this God ~ yea found forth the praife of the glory ofhis gr11ce. Remember ,that was Gods defigne, and that is thy duty. --------------------- SECT. IX. of conforming to Jeft14 in refpel1. 9· v t 1 Emuft conforme to 'fefus: we muft fix our eyes on Je-' Ul v fus for our imitation : that alfo is the meaning or this looking in theText. And in refpea ofour predeftination the Apoftle fpeakesexpreifely, he did predeftinate us to be conformed Rom.S :f to the Image ofhis Son: this i~ one end of predeftination, and this ' ~ is one end of /ook,.ing unto 'lefus, nay it is included in it. A very look on Jefus hath a power in it to conforme us to the Image of Jefus. We are changed by b~holding, faith the Apoftle: Oh when 7. Cor- 3 tS' I fee Gods love in Chrifr to me even from all Etern~ty , how ' ' _t fhould this but ftirre up my foule to be like Jefm Chrifr? where · there is a dependance ; there is a deGre to be like even among men ; how much more confidering my dependance on God in Chrift, ihould I defire to belike Chrift in difpofition ? all the queftion is , what is this image of Chrift , to which we mufr be ' conformed ? I anfwer, holinef{e , and happinef{e : but becaufe 'the latter is our reward,and the former is our duty, therefore look to that. But wherein confifls that? I anfwer ,in that refemblance: like..; neffe., and conformity to Chrifr in all the pa!lages fore~ .menttoned : And in every ofthofe mufr we conforme to Chrifr. · As- · · I, ChrjftistheSon ofGod;,fo .muftwebeGodsfonnes. As R manJ ·'