Book II. Locking unto 1tfm. Chap. z.Sed. 9 J ob.I . u . many llJ received him, to thtm htgave power t 6 become the fonne.r oj qod. 0 what duty Iyes upon us in thisrefpetl; If I beyour Ftzther, where is mine honour ? and ifye cAll on theFather, pa/Je the Malac.t.6. time ofyour fojourning here in fe.~r. ~od lookes for more honour, .'I. Pet. l .l7· fear, reverence, duty, and obedtence from a fonne then from ·tke rabble9fthe world : if thou art Gods fonne, thy finnes more offend God rhen the finnes of all the reprobates in the world . why alas, thy finnes are not meere tranfgreffions of the Law ' but committed againft the mercy, bounty , and goodneffe of God vouchfafed unto thee; thy finnes have a world of unthankfulneffe joyned with them , and therefore liow thould God but ;l\mos, 3.z viut? }OU oml] h.zve I k:Jown of all tht f amilies of the earth, theref ore will I vijity ou for all your iniquities: 0 think of this, you that areGods fonnes; and conforme to Chnft, for he was an obedient Son. , z.Chrift the Son ofGod delights in the Father, and his delight isalfo with thefon1 ofmen ; fo muft we delight in ~he Father, and delight in his children. Delight thy [elf in the Lord, and he jhalt give thee the de fires of thy heart. And the Saints th11t are on the earth ate they, in whom is all myddt:lf}t , faith David. It is ftoried ofDr. Taylo1', that being in prifon he coutd delight in Godand he rejoyced that ever he came into prifon, becaufe of his ac~ quaintance with that· Angel of God, as he called Mr. Bradford• . 0 this is heaven upon earth! not oncly God, but the very Saints ofGod are fweet Objects ofdelight. Marke them , and ifthey be Saints indeed , they are favoury in their difcourfe , in their duties in their carriages ;_ their example is powerful' , · their fociety profitable , how thould we but delight in them? • 3. God and Chrifi laid this plot from all Eternity, that all he would do, thould b~ to the pr.zife of the glory of hisgrace: So mull: we propofe this as the end ofall our actions, whether we eat, or _ _ drink., or whatfoever we do, we muft do 111! tBtheglory ofGod. But i! Cor•l 0•3 t.• efpecially iffrom God we receive any fpiri tual good, then give ~an. l .: o, ~3· all again to the g~ory of.his grace. . Blej]'ed be tke Name cfGodfor - · · cvrr ~tnd ever (fatd Dmml) f or wijdomcand mtght are his ; - and I thank thee , and praife thee O.God ofmy fathers, wh9hafl given me wifdome ana might: an excellent fpirit ofwifdome and · ~ight w.rought in D.miel ,_ and heacknowledges altro the Giver~ . - - . - ·--- - . - - -- . ?Vifd~'!!_~