Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

'B~ok II. Looking unto ::fef/14. Chap. z.Sect. 9 6. God and Chriil: appointed, or purpofed us unto falvation; his lovlwas a fure,and fetled,andfirroe,and confiant love,the purRom·9·11· po{e of God according to EleEtion muft fland. So rnufi we love him, and cleave unto him for ever: I have enc/inedmy heart to performe >Pf,I l?· r u.. thy ftat utes alw~tyes,even tothe end. <JJavids heart was much taken with the Statutes ofGod,and therefore he gives this exprcffi• on of the fulnelfe of his heart, a!waye.r, and even to the end. It' is a kind of pleonafme, his refolLuions were fuch that he would never depart from his God. 7· God and ~hrift decreed, booked, and fe-aled onr fah·ation : and fo muft we put to our feai that God is true ( i.) we muff beleeve in Chrift;for when we believe we makeChrifts word good. Hetbatbelievesnot,makesGodalyar, (as you have heard) in t-hat he fruil:rates, or endeavours to fruflrate Chrifts undertaking in his predeil:ination. 8. God and Chrifl entred into Covenant concerning our fa! vation : So muil: we enter into Covenant with him; we muft take him to be our God, and give up our felves to be his people t: ----:-Why thus we muil: in all particulars coriforme to Chrift. The fum ofal is this,we muff be lif?! Chrift in grRce,~tndgracious a Clings. 0 my foul, fee to this grace, fee to this conformity to Jefu~ Chrift in gracious actings , . and this will enable thee to read thy name written in the book oflife. 0 abhor, and repel that Devils dart, I am predeftinated, and therefore J·may Jive 11s I lifl ; 1Ephe[.l'4• bow contrary is·[his to the Apoflle, he hath chofen min him before the fo~tnd~ttion of the world,that we jho1dd be ho!y,a11d wirhout blame before him in love? and as the E !e[l ofGod put on bowels of me1·cy , kjndnejfc,h~tmblenef[eofmind,meek_nef[e,!ong-fuffering, forgiving one Colof. 3,u;t3 another. -Even at(hrift fol'gave you ? this conformity to Chrift . · in grace is the vr:r)l>effect ofour predeftination: 0 look_unto {ejus, and be in grace like unto 'fefus :why Chriil: is full ofgrace, a.veffel filled up. to the lip '· or very brim , thou art fairer then the @."l,fy, :: . children of men, andgrace is poured into thy lips. Chrift was as it were grace fpeaking, L ukA-22 . Grace figliing,weeping, dying, Heb.2. 9· Grace living again, and now dropping,or rather raining .down floods of grace on his ltving members, E f..hef 4· II .' Chrifl: is thegreat Apple-tree,dropping down Apples oflife, Oant, :z.. ~. and all that falls from this tree; as apples,leaves,(hadowes; . .fmel;blolfomes ,'1re but p~ices of g!ace fallen downfrom him,who · -. -- ------- --- - ..... --- -·--- ----- --- ~·