Chap. z .sea. 6. Looking rmto :Jefm. Book II, I 25 is the fulneffe of all,and hath filled all things. Chrift is the r~fe of Cam~:.,x, Sharon , and every leafe of this rofe is an heaven, every white and red in it is grace and glory , every act of breathing out it's frnell from everlafting to everlafting is fpotleffe and unmixedgrace;why then my foul,if thou wilt conforrne to Chrt.ft.,conforme in this; Be holy as he is holy; of that fulnejfe of grace that 'is in him, do thou refeive e-z:t~ grace for grace. ' Joh · 1 , 1 6, Cht:tfttans! where are we ? 0 that ever men fbould hear offo 1 - much grace , and of fuch acts of grace in tha.t eternity before all worlds,and yet no irnpreilionofgrace upon their hearts! 0 t~at god and Chrift fbould botb he i.n that buftneffe ofeternity : that heaven,hell,juftice,mercy,foules and deep wifdome fhould be a! in that r;~re piece,and yet that men fbould think more ofaFarme,an Ox,an houfe,a pin,a ftraw,or of the bones ofa crazy livelihood! 0 look.. up ! look up! if thou art Chrifts. Confider what he hath . done for thy foul ; why thou art predeflinate ro 6e conformed to the im.tge ofChrift. Thus far we have lookjd on 'Jefos as our {efm , in that eternity · befo,.-e all time until the creation : Our next work is to look..on 'fe[Js , carrying on the great w~rk ofmans falvation in the;-: ~r.eatioa, the beginning of time ;untill his firft coming. 1)' - ~ L\.' 3 i