Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

\ Bcok.III. Looking unto :fefus. Cbap.1. SeeP To this purpofe we read,that ~s Chrifi, fo the Covenant of grace (which appliesChrifi tO us) was firfr promifed, and then promulgated , the Covenant of promtfe was that Covenant which God made with Adam, and Ahraham. and Mqe.r, and 'navid, and all Jfrae ~ in Jefus Chrifi; "to be incarqate, cr t1 cified, and raifed from the dead ; the Coyenant promulgated , or new , Covenant (as the Scriptures calltt by way ofexcellency)_is that Covenant whi~h 9o~ makes with a~ I ~elievcrs fince t~e coming ofChrifr, behcvmg tn htm that ts tn~arnate, cructfied , and rifen from the dt-ad ; and it was meet tha~ rthe promife fhould go before the Gofpel , and be fulfilled in the Gofpel , that fo a great good might eatndily be defir~d, before it was befrowed. In a trme of darkneffe men defi~~ ttgfut ; as the morning-watch watcheth and longeth for the mormng , fo the obfcure revelation of Chrift in a promiCe-, raifed the hearts of t~1e Patriarchs to an earnefl: defire of his con)ing ' ill' the flefh. But in this obfcurity we may obferve fome degrees; before the Law given by <.Mofes the promife was more obfcure; · the Law being given event<:> the time of the Prophets the pwmife was a little more clear; in the time ofthe Prophets evea to [ohn the Baptifr , it was clear er yet;as the comingofthe MeJiias did appro~cb nearer and nearer, fo was the promtfe clearer and dearer £hll: Jufr as the ap- / proach of the Suri is nearer ?r ~urtber off, fo is the light that goes before it greater or Ieifer; m ltke manner was the Revelation that went before Chrifi more dimme or clear as the rifing of the Sun if right toufneffe was more remote , or nigh at bane!. ft was the good pleafure ofGod to manifdt the rLcbes. of his grace by degrees,and not all at once;we fee to thts very aay, that God in his · feveral approaches of mercy and goodnefs draws nearer & nearer to his Church: Even now in.this marvellous light of the Gofpel we have our divine Ceremomes and Sacrament$ , we fee him afar off we know bur in part; but t_irrte {hall come (even before his fec~nd ~omin g) , 'that we, or our children !hall fee him more dearly , perfectly , imrrediateJy. My' prefent bufi neffe is to hold for th [eflis in the Covenant of grace as promifed , and becaufe the pto~ife r~ceiv~s difiin CI: ion of degrees according to the frveral.breakmgs-out of 1t .w the dark world, we wdl confider it as- it' was manife1ted~ · ·· x. From.