Looking emto ':fefus. Book III. z, From Abraham till Mofes. . ) I. From Adam till Abraham. 3. From Mofes till David. . { 4· From David till the Babyloni!h Captivity , or there~ · about. . 5. From the Captivi ty,or ~hereabout ~ill Chrill., -· In every ofthefe periods will appear fome further and further difcoveries ofGods mercy in Chrift, of the Covenant of gr:ace , ofour fefus carrying 0n the great work of mans Eternal falvation. in that d11rk time. . · You heard before of the Covenant betwixt God and Chrift concerning our-falvation; but that was not the Covenant ofgrace which God immediately made with man as fallen; but a pafticutar Covenant with Chrift to be the Mediator Or fo far as it was a Covenant of grace , it was then made betwixt Ood aad Chrift , and after to be ' made betwixt God and us: for a time ' we were hid in the womb of<Jods Election, ' and not being then capable to enter into Covenant with God, (hriH: undertook for us, but yet fo that when we come to b~ regenerate, we are,then to {l;rike Covenant our felves. And hence we read expreffely of Gods Covenanting with fundry particular perfons,as with Adam, and Abraham, and Mofes, and David, &c. Of which in the next SeCtions. ~----·---..-....:-.--------- S- ECT. II. of the Covenant ofpromije as manifefled to Adam. The Covenan.t of~ race in this fenfe is riothi.ng dfe but . a ~ompad: made betWIXt God and man, touchmg reconCJhatJon , and life Eternal by Chrift. Now the firft breaking forth of l ' J ... ~.. J , this gracious Covenant was to Addm and Eve, imm .~diately after the fall, expreifed in thefe words, I will p14t enmity bttween thee and the woman , and b~tween thy feed ~ · ttnd her ·Gen. 3: 1{ feed,it /h dl brui[e thy head ,and tbJU /kt!t, bruife his heel. ·- This prom if~ as it is the firft, iO the hardefr to beunderfrood . . s 3 ~