Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Looking tmto1efus. Chap. I. Sect.3 to performe his promifes of temporal, fpiritual, and Eternal _£race; and on Ab2ahams part to receive this grace by faith , and to performe due obedience1and thankfulne!fe to God. Hence a little nearer, ·we fay the Covenant is a mutual compaCl:, or agreement betwixt God and man, whereby God promifeth all good things, efpecially Eternal happinelfe unto man; and man doth promife to walk before God in all acceptable, free, and ' willit]g obedience, expeCl:ing all good from God , and happinefs iri God , according to his promife; for the praife and glory of · his grace. Others , defcribing the Covenant ofgrace ( for with the Covenant ofworkes we will not meddle) they give itthus. The (ovenant ofgrace is afree andgracious compafl , which qod of his meere mercy in 'fefus Chrift hath m4de with finful m4n, promifing unto him p11rdon of finnes and eternal happineffe; .Jf he will but repent of(inne ,~nd embrace mercy reached forth by faith imfcigned; and w4lk, before God in willing, jllithful, andfincere obedidence. - ·In thisdefcription many things areconfiderable. As,I. That the Author ofthis Coveuant isGod; not as our Creator but as our merciful God and Father in Chrift Jefus. - 2. That the canfe of this Covenant is not any worth, or dignity, or merit in man~ but the meere mercy, love, and favoqr of God, · 3. That the foundation of this Covenant is Jefus Chrift, in and through whom we are reconciled unto God, for fince God and tnan were feparated by finne, no Covenant can pa!fe betwixt them , no reconciliation can be expeCted, nor pardon ·obtained, out_in and through aMediatour. 4· That the party_Covenanted with,is finful man ; ·the fall of our firft Parents was the occafion of this Covenant, and God was pleafed to permit the fa!I, that he might manifeft the riches of his mercy in mans recovery. 5. That the forme of this Covenant ftands on Gods part in gracious and free promifesofforgivene!fe , holine!fe, happine!fe ; and on mans part in a refiipulation offuch duties as will ftand with the free grace and mercy of God ii1 chrift. 6. That the fripulat ion on mans part required ,is repentance for finne, beliefe in tile promifes; and a yielding of feare, reverence, worfhip, and obedience to God according to his word. Thefe I might infift on , but my purpofed brevity will not per- .mit. z. What is the eftablifhing of this Covenant ? Somefay, · ·· - · · this