Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Book III. Looking unto 1efus. Chap. I .Sed:. 3 are the whole Trinity of perfons, the bleffed Angels, and all the Hoft of heaven; on Abrahnms part are all his feede, and his ~om .9.G,7,8 poflerity, yet with this limitation , that 111l t~re not Ifrael, which are of Ifrael; neither becaufe they are the feed ofAbraham, are they 111ll children ofAbraham ; bttt in Ifaac foalt thy ferd be called; that is , they which are the children o( the jlefo, are not the ~,·hi!dren of qod, but the children of the promife arecountedfor the feed. No quefiion this Covenant was not to be extended to the Hhmaelites, ldumeans , or K~thureans, rV!br"hams carnal feed ; thefe quickly departed both out of Abrahams familie, and Abrahams ~ri.17 -~9· faith; No , no , faith God , I will eftablifo my Covenant with Ifaac for an everlfljling Covenant, and with his feed after him. With I[11ac, and with his feed ( i.) With the fpiritual feed of Abraham;now under the feed, I. All believing Jews,and 2 . All Gentiles are comprehended,all may be called the fpiritual feed of Abraham that walk in the ftepsofthe faith of Abrah;nn; and indeed thus runnes the promife, in thee /hall all the familiu of the earth be Meffed. Cjen. 12.3. And in ·thee fha/! all the Nations of the earth he bte.ffed. Gen. I 8.18. Thefe f:tmilies and N~tion9 muft needes comprehend the Geatiles ; the Apoflle is very phiin ; As it is J(.om.4.t1,n, written l have made thee a Father ofmany 'J!X.3tions.- That he Gal.J.•4. mig_ht be the fatheriJf all them that believe, though they be not cirtumcifed. -- That the blelfing of Abraham might come on the Cientiles th1·ough 'fefus Chrift , that WL' might receive the pramife ofthe Spirit through faith. Chriftians ! here is our happine1fe , ~om.4·!3~l4. the Covenant was not -writtenfor rVfbrahams fak! alone, but for - nsalfo, ifwe believe in him rhat r.ti{ed up refus our Lordfrom the dead. You may think all this while we are on ely difcovering the priviledgesof Abraham, Ifaac, 'facob, and otthe }ewes; no, bleffed be God , heaven is no freer to a Jew, th'en to a Gentile; there is neither {ew nor Gret/z,, (here is neither bond norfree, male ~~1~3·18,1 1• nor female,&·c. But if ye be Chrifts, then areye Abrahams feed, and heires according to the promife. 4· For what time is the eflablifhed Covenant to endure? it is not for a few dayes, ·or monthes, ·or yeares, but for ever ·and ·ever; it is an everla.fting Covenant, and indeed tl\e word eft. a· bli{hed founds this way; 1 will eftablifo my Covenant, that is (fay fome) I will'have it ftand a-nd continue for ever;· as it was faid ~f David , I have made a Cgverurnt with mJ choftn, I havefi:porn ·- - ~tnt~