Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Bcok.IH. Looking unto :fefus: Chap. I. S{ct 3 --~----------------- "j!kb.I,U .. •-> taines, yet as we may fee things darkly in a Map, fo let us endeavour as we are able to view them in fome Map, or brief compendium; that by the little we do fee, we may be raifed up to the confideration of things not feen,which {hall be revealed in due time. The priviledges ofthe Covenant are folded and wrar ped up in the promifes of it; every promife containes a priviledge , but the time of unfolding every promife is not yet come ; then only iha II the promifes ofall forts be unfolded, when the heav~ns as a vefture J!;all be f~14ed up. In the n::ean time wehave ~ right. and intereft 1n the pr!VIledges of etermty by vertue of the promtfe ; and hence the very termes of Covenant and promije are taken for the fame. E phef 2. I 2. Rom. 9-4- I ilia II for the prefent confine my felf only to thofe promifes and priviledges ofthe Covenant which were manifefred to Akraham.And they were, fthings {te~_poraL 0 fpmtuaJ.. 1. Of things temporal. T{ms we read God promifeth AbraiG'eri~a,il.J,7. ham, . I wilt mak.f of thee agreat N ;;tion, and I will b!efle thee, and ' mak.§ thy nflme great, and thoufhalt be a blejfing, <'~nd I will blifs them thnt bltf{e thee, and curfe him that curfeth thee, t~nd ;tnto !Gen.J3•I4, ·x r' x0, \G:l'.!7.t 4· {. 6 thy feed wilt I give thiJ land. We may adde hereto thee _ petitions that God makes of thcfc promlfcs over and over ; lift up now thineeyes ,. and l6ok.Jrom the pl11ce where thou ~trt, Nonhward, and South-ward, and Elljl-ward, and Wr fl-ward, for all the Land which thou feeft to tl:ee wilt I give it, and to thy (eed for ever.. And I will make thy feed as ·the duji ofthe earth, fo that if a man can number the duft ofthe earth, then /hall thy feed nlfo be numbred.- And the Lord brought forth Abrt~tham abroad, and faid , loo/znow t&wards heaven, and tell the jfarres , if thou le able to number th<m ~ and he faidunro him fo /btdi t fl) ferd be. ~ And the Lord again appeared to Abraham , and faid, - 1 will n;a~e my Covenant between me and thee , 1md will mu irirly thee e:cceedin,~ ly , -~ and thou/halt be •l Father ofman)' 1\(_ations , 11eitherj{u(l/,.jhy name nny more be callrd Abram, but rhy namefball 6c 4brckf''(d , for af.aher ofr:nany N.ttic,ns_ have I ml!de !hu; ditd J rn/1 1J1(!1~ thee exceedmg_frll!tful, 1111d I w;/1 m.1k_e N•lf!ons ofthee, - and