Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

I 54 Book. III. Looking unto ~eft~s. Chap.I. Sect 3 Gen.:z..1o, which was a plaine type of the death of Chrift. See it in thefe particulars. I. Ifaac was Abrahams Sonne, his only Sonne his innocent .fonne, the beloved fonne of his father, and yet Abra'ham freely offers up his fon1:1e; fo Chrift was the Sonne of God, his onely Sonne, his innocent Sonne, fifes to ~ in all things, finne onely excepted; and the beloved Sonne of h1s Father, thu u my bdoved Sonne in whom I 11m well pleafed; and yer God more freely offers up his Sonne out of his own bofome. 2. Abra- ·ham by Gods commiffionrofe early in the morning to facrifice his fonne; and the Jewesby Gods permiffion rife early in the morning to condemne the Sonne of God : and hence he is called the H]nd of the morning, compaffed with dogges that hunted and purfued his life. 3. Abraham muft offer his fonne upon the Mount, the very Mount on which Solomons Temple was built which ti pified the body of Jefus Chrift, 'john 2. I 9· So God offer~ cd his Sonne upon the Mount, if not on the fame Mount (as Au· guftine thinks) yet on aMount not farre difiant from it; Golgotha was the very skirt of Moriah; the one being within the gate of the City, and the other not farre without, the very neareft to ·the City ofall. 4.Abraham firft laid the wood on Ifaac ,and then he laid Ifn~tc on the wood;fo God firft !ayes theCroffe on Chrift Pf. :u.x: J ab.i.9. J7,J8, Ht be~tring hi& CroJTe, ~ent forth into a place eal/ed the plnce of; s.fz"'l>& then he lays Chnft on theCroffe,there they cr11cijied him, , faith 'john; or there they bound him to the Crofl'e, and faftned his hands and feet theretowith nailes. 5. Ifaac muft be offered alone, the fervants muft ftay at the foot of the hill, little knowing the bufine.fle and forrow in band; fo Chrift muft tread the winepreJTe Alone: the difciples fear and fly, and little confider the agony of their Mafter. 6. Abraham carries in his hand the fword and fire againfi his fon, fo qod carries in his hand the fword and fire ; the {word fignifying the jufi rce of God, the fire his burning wrath again{\ the finnes of men ; and both thefe were . bent againft Chrifl:, in whom the juftice of God i,; fatisfied, and Ge ·1aG 17 the flame of hi~ wrath extiqct and quenched. That this was a x.s:· · ' ' plaine type of Chrifts paffion is hinted at in thebleffing that God · ·· fpeak~ to Abraham afrer this tryal, by wy ftlfe have I fworn6 faith the Lord, f or bec1111fe th~u htJft done thu thing, and haft nqt witl.~heid thy Sonne, thine o~atly Sonne, thAt in h!ejjing I 11?ill b.lej[e thee, and in thy feed fo;~/t aft the IMtion-s of the earth • ,, . - ~e.: