Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.l. SeCl:.4. Lovking,unto 1efuJ. Book III. he 6/effed. All beleevers are blelfed in the death of Chrift who was tliat feed of Abraham, typified by !faac Alm1hams fonne, for as Abraham intended, fo God truly facrificed his Sonne, his onely Sonne to take away finne. Thu5 farre of the Covenant ofpromife as it was manifefted from AhrP~hflm to Mofe.r. --------------- SECT. IV. ofthe Covenant ofpromife '" m;~,nifefled to Mofes. THe next breaking forth of this gracious Covenant was to Mofe.r. The revenging juftice ofGod had no.w feazed on · mankinde for many generations, even thoufands of years, fo that now it was high time for God in the midft ofwrath to remember mercy and to break out into a clearer expreffion ofthe promife, orCo;enant ofgrace. To this purpofe the Lord calls up Mofe.r to Mount Sinai, and there ofhis infinite love and undeferved mercie he makes, or renewes his Covenant with him and the chil15 s dren of Ifrael I am the Lord thy God, which brought thee out _. of the Land of Egypt , out of the houft of bondage, thou jhalt EJtod.t o.:.;' have no othergods before me.- For the right underftandiag of this, we fball examine thefe particulars. 1. Whether the Law wasdelivered in aCovenant-way? 2. In what fenfe is the Law a Covenant of grace ? 3. How may it appear that the Law in any fenfe is a Cove~ nant ofgrace ? 4· WhyfhouldGodin the Law deal with us in a Covenant• way rather then a meer abfolute fupreme way? 5. What are the good things promifed in this expreffure of the Covenant ? 6. What is the condition of this Covenant on our part, as we may gather it hence. - 7. Who was theMediatour ofthisCovenant? 8. What;ofChrift, and his death do we finde in this mani~ fellation ofthe Covenant. For the firft, whether th~ Law was delivered in aCovenantX 2 way , ,